Build That Wall!!


Inordinately Right
"These interim findings show that the Biden administration’s efforts to stop border wall construction constitute significant waste of taxpayer resources," the report says. "As of the drafting of this report the Biden administration has paid border wall contractors at least $2 billion and counting to not build the border wall."

"This $2 billion comes directly from DOD’s budget, and the Biden administration’s continued waste of these funds poses risks to national security and border security," it says.

El Correcto

god is dead

I believe the Pentagon more than i believe a report by Sen Lankford that was misrepresented in an Adam Shaw article.

Why do you always fall for the propaganda? Why are you a Putinist? You parrot his talking points.
Putin mirrors a lot of liberal talking points, america is evil, racist, slaughtered Indians, etc.

You know things you liberals believe and repeat on the daily. You’d have a lot in common if it weren’t for this crazy conspiracy and insurrectionist rhetoric you still push 5 years later.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns


“I have determined that the declaration of a national emergency at our southern border was unwarranted,” Biden wrote



nowhere special


“I have determined that the declaration of a national emergency at our southern border was unwarranted,” Biden wrote

It would have been nice if they hadn't sold off most of the wall materials already purchased at a fraction of their cost.


Well-Known Member
Why the Wall Won't Work

This is a good breakdown from the right wing think tank Cato on why the wall is giant waste of money. I’d be interested if any of the Trumpflakes have any rebuttal to the arguments posed in it. I doubt any Trump supporter will read it though. It’s kinda long and doesn’t have many pictures.
This didn’t age well. And I guess the Biden administration now refutes it.

And when did walls stop being racist? This week I guess? 🤷‍♂️


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns