California 1st State to provide healthcare to Illegals


Happy Verified UPSer
about $100 million for illegals to provide healthcare . they will get the money by fining legal citizens that don't have healthcare.

this is just the tip. we taxpayers already pay them for food stamps ER care and a slew of other social programs. How ??????

my daughter pays $1200 a month for healthcare for a family of 4 . It's practically killing them.

i just don't get it. Once it starts in Cali it will be coming to your state soon.


about $100 million for illegals to provide healthcare . they will get the money by fining legal citizens that don't have healthcare.

this is just the tip. we taxpayers already pay them for food stamps ER care and a slew of other social programs. How ??????

my daughter pays $1200 a month for healthcare for a family of 4 . It's practically killing them.

i just don't get it. Once it starts in Cali it will be coming to your state soon.
Fake news.


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member

Not sure how to think about that.

On the one hand, ‘illegal’ immigrants are here, so it makes sense to provide them with very basic healthcare (vaccines, general checkups).

It’s cheaper to give them vaccines than it is to pay for the fallout of an unvaccinated underground populace.


They’re getting the bare minimum healthcare, but I know financially struggling people who make too much to even qualify for any kind of government anything.

It’s a pickle.

I guess I’d err on the side of bringing them into the system and vaccinating them.

We eradicated smallpox, and we’re ‘oh so close’ to eradicating Polio.

Unfortunately, some limousine liberals think vaccines don’t agree with their GOOP fascination, and now there’s measles outbreaks in several states.

Some people don’t remember...Measles was a stone-cold-btch.

Kids losing their hearing, going blind, dying.

If only there were some kind of miracle cure, like an injection or something.

Maybe an inoculation, maybe a vaccine?


Well-Known Member
What amuses me is that the Polio vaccine could not have been created without fetal-tissue.

‘Conservatives’ at the time rejoiced in the triumph of Science.

How far the mighty have fallen...

Bad Gas!

Well-Known Member
These illegals will be voting in CA soon if not already. CA is such a beautiful state but is the most managed. Tent city or Rich Hollywood. Not much middle ground. Let them decide if left wing politics at its best is working. I'll take the southeast coast.


Well-Known Member
California is not a serious State. If the left is for real about wanting statehood for Puerto Rico & DC, I say why not let Northern California & Upstate NY secede and become separate states as well.


golden ticket member
California is not a serious State. If the left is for real about wanting statehood for Puerto Rico & DC, I say why not let Northern California & Upstate NY secede and become separate states as well.
I'd vote for that. SoCal is way different from NoCal.


Well-Known Member
California is not a serious State. If the left is for real about wanting statehood for Puerto Rico & DC, I say why not let Northern California & Upstate NY secede and become separate states as well.
Downstate Illinois wants to break off from Chicago too. Let's consolidate all the little Northeast states to make room for others to keep it at 50 if that's the issue.


Well-Known Member
Downstate Illinois wants to break off from Chicago too. Let's consolidate all the little Northeast states to make room for others to keep it at 50 if that's the issue.
I have heard mention of that. Many ppl leaving Illinois. As for consolidating all of New England, good luck !