Can a cover driver decline to drive?


Well-Known Member
As the title says, as a cover driver, can you refuse to drive and instead opt to work your "normal" job?

I would think not. You signed up to drive not to pick and choose when you want to. In my area cover drivers are FT driver that just don't have there own route they are guaranteed 8 hours a day just like any other driver. It should be that way every where.


Well-Known Member
I would think not. You signed up to drive not to pick and choose when you want to. In my area cover drivers are FT driver that just don't have there own route they are guaranteed 8 hours a day just like any other driver. It should be that way every where.

It's that way here in Alaska too, but not everywhere. It depends on your local. In my area there is no such thing contract wise as a "cover driver". There are FT drivers (some who have bid routes and some who don't) and there are "Utility Drivers" who are generally employees working PT jobs in another area (sort, preload, unload, air ramp) who can be used when all FT drivers are in and routes are still vacant.

These "Utility Drivers" are usually PTers who are using the opportunity to learn driving and are usually on the list to go on their packet. They could turn down utility driving assignments but if they do eventually they are not going to be asked any more.


Well-Known Member
It's that way here in Alaska too, but not everywhere. It depends on your local. In my area there is no such thing contract wise as a "cover driver". There are FT drivers (some who have bid routes and some who don't) and there are "Utility Drivers" who are generally employees working PT jobs in another area (sort, preload, unload, air ramp) who can be used when all FT drivers are in and routes are still vacant.

These "Utility Drivers" are usually PTers who are using the opportunity to learn driving and are usually on the list to go on their packet. They could turn down utility driving assignments but if they do eventually they are not going to be asked any more.

We don't have "Utility drivers" if your a driver your a FT driver, FT Air Driver, or 22.3 combo that drives air half the time and works on the inside the rest of there 8 hrs. The only PT people that driver are the handful of Ptimers that deliver air on Sat.


Pineapple King
I'm in Florida so I doubt I'm in the central region. I guess I will just ask a local steward.
In Fla. if you sign the cover driver bid list and start driving then yes they can make you drive,but you can also forfeit(if you decide it's not for you) your cover driver position and just stay p/t. I have seen a few guys do this. You can't just drive on certain days when you want to. Also here they are not guaranteed 8 and do not make bonus.


Well-Known Member
In Fla. if you sign the cover driver bid list and start driving then yes they can make you drive,but you can also forfeit(if you decide it's not for you) your cover driver position and just stay p/t. I have seen a few guys do this. You can't just drive on certain days when you want to. Also here they are not guaranteed 8 and do not make bonus.

Same here where I am in ny


I would think not. You signed up to drive not to pick and choose when you want to. In my area cover drivers are FT driver that just don't have there own route they are guaranteed 8 hours a day just like any other driver. It should be that way every where.
That's not necessarily true. Depends on the area. In my area, cover drivers are PT and fill in as needed. They are supposed to be given notice (24 hrs) when they are needed. Mgt rarely does this. Most of the time it is at the end of the PT shift, sometimes only minutes before the rte is to leave. I was DQ'd from cover driving for refusing to take a rte. No notice and I had other plans. My BA threw me under the truck over it. He refused to follow through on my grievance saying it didn't have any merit. I felt it did and took it to EEOC. I won. UPS had to pay me months of back wages. It was a large chunk of change. My BA apologized to me.


I'm in Florida so I doubt I'm in the central region. I guess I will just ask a local steward.
That would be the ideal option. Based on my language, they have to give you notice when they need you and an hour before that route leaves is not acceptable notice.


Well-Known Member
"They are supposed to be given notice (24 hrs) when they are needed.

i need to call in each morning at 7:45 to see if im needed for that day


Well-Known Member
In Fla. if you sign the cover driver bid list and start driving then yes they can make you drive,but you can also forfeit(if you decide it's not for you) your cover driver position and just stay p/t. I have seen a few guys do this. You can't just drive on certain days when you want to. Also here they are not guaranteed 8 and do not make bonus.

Actually according to the paycheck I received a couple of weeks back I AM guaranteed 8 hours as I received .85 hours "Guarantee Pay" when my worked hours and 8 hours holiday pay only came to 39.15 hours for the week.


Pineapple King
Actually according to the paycheck I received a couple of weeks back I AM guaranteed 8 hours as I received .85 hours "Guarantee Pay" when my worked hours and 8 hours holiday pay only came to 39.15 hours for the week.
Are you on the friend/T seniority list or P/T one? Cover drivers in our building aren't guaranteed 8, can't file 9.5 & don't get paid bonus. This is in south Fla.This is how it's always been unless something has changed. I haven't heard anything, but then again it's nothing I need to know.