Statement by James P. Hoffa on Benefit Changes at Central States Funds
November 21, 2003
The benefit changes ordered by Federal Judge Moran and implemented by the Central States Fund Trustees are disturbing to everyone.
The pension and health care crisis that is gripping our nation has
hit the Central States Funds like hundreds of other funds and plans around the nation. The blame for the crisis can be placed squarely on Washington, Wall Street and the corporations that are shipping jobs overseas.
In the last round of negotiations with UPS and Freight we negotiated contributions to the Funds that were double what was negotiated in the previous round of negotiations. The contribution rate pattern was set in the first half of 2002 at UPS. At the time we were assured by Fund actuaries that the contributions we negotiated would be sufficient to maintain health benefits and pension benefits. But further acceleration in health care costs, the bankruptcy of Consolidated Freight, and the sharp decline in investments in late 2002 following the Enron, Worldcom, Tyco, and other scandals, undermined those calculations.
The perfect storm of a three year fall in the stock market,
historically low interest rates, accelerating health care costs, and
the bankruptcy of major Fund employers like Consolidated Freightways was not predicted by anyone. But that is the reality we confront today and it is the reality the Fund Trustees were forced to address both by necessity and by court order.
Rest assured that the Teamsters Union is fully engaged in finding
solutions to the pension and health care crisis. First and foremost,
we have communicated with UPS and the major Freight employers that the future security of the Fund and the benefits of our members depend on increased employer contributions to the Funds. Second, as we speak, our lobbyists are on Capitol Hill working for legislation that will give Funds like Central States some breathing room by extending the time over which Fund liabilities are accounted for. Third, the Teamsters Union is playing a leading role in the national effort to win universal health insurance that would ensure the health care of every American.
Teamster members in the Central States Funds can be certain that the Teamsters Union will do whatever we can to defend your pension and health security today and in the future.