class action lawsuit against UPS


Wow satelite your moral code wont let you to accept money you havent earned? Is that the same moral code that allowed you to turn your back on your brothers and sisters when you withdrew from the teamsters. Most people that see theres a problem with something attempt to fix it, we dont tuck our tails between our legs and take the easy way out, we stand and fight. Enjoy cashing that check every friday that the yteamsters morally earned for you, no hard feelings.
it is the same simplistic moral code, but in mirror reverse.
To explain it is simple.
I will not take money I did not earn. Mirror reverse is, I will not give money to an organization that takes the money I have earned and gives it to employees of other companies who have not earned it.
No hard feelings on my part either, but your direct personal unfounded attacks on me have not gone unnoticed.


Tie i dont agree with management alot. But if i chose to work through my lunch thats my fault and not the company in my opinion. So they gave me to much work ill take my lunch and break and bring work back. This pre madonnas wernt forced to work through they chose to, no one to blame but themselves. In my area drivers dont work on the docks anymore in the morning and now we get paid for our lunches and breaks if we dont take it, im happy with that and can live with it.

i agree. You'll usually see a lunch issue pop up when the bids change. Someone gets a route that they feel they can't take a lunch on. Either the guy that had it before was a runner/skipper or he found a way to sqeeze it in. Takes a little work sometimes to get all parties to agree.

How could you take a case to panel about forced lunches ( unless you were really being forced to), Its your choice to stop . In chicago the law states they have to offer you at least a 20 min lunch.

Dont all the lawsuits against ups come out of california? Those p-timers are using that tuiton reimbursement wisely(grin).

ROFL :thumbup1:


Well-Known Member
The answers you seek are in the many previous posts of mine and those of others here who actually wieghed towards my points. Those you have chosen to ignore and thus you have denied yourself the education you ask for. You chose to take the opposite position in this debate simply to be the opposite debater.

I haven't chosen to ignore any of your postings or anyone else’s, when you ignore something you can't offer contrary opinion, because you haven't read the other persons post-you've ignored it. I reread every post in this thread, each of my postings is a reply to another posting, most of them are yours. My contributions are remarkably like the others - complete with my interpretation of events, solutions offered, objectives discussed.

You may not agree with my viewpoint, I certainly don't agree with yours in many instances, but just because you disagree with me doesn't mean I haven't made some valid points. Some people have agreed with my contributions in this thread, what are you saying about their ability to develop a sound argument?

Listen Tie, you can hang anything you want on the simple fact that I asked you to shed some light on the lunch issue - An explanation of some of the nuances that you alluded to in an earlier post would have been sufficient, or, you can do what you usually do, twist the issue of a direct question into one of semantics and avoid the question altogether - placing the emphasis of your argument on something other than the direct question at hand.

Here is the difference. I know that when I post something that it may fall under scrutiny - I am okay with that, I am able to defend my arguments for the most part, and I don't lose confidence in myself when someone absolutely rips my argument to bleeding shreds. I have learned much from picking up the pieces over the years, you can too, give it a shot.

In the process you have come across as a very negative sounding management person. If you really believe as negatively as you have presented yourself here then you should in fact be a strong proponent of unionism since you will need them to protect you from those management folks who do not share your depressing view on events.

Negative is not always bad. Negative very often means looking at reality, and recognizing the situation at hand, the human equation that exists in that situation, and offering a solution. Often that solution is ugly, a huge step backward, and will be very painful for everyone involved, but at least it is not sweeping it under the rug.

People are much smarter than we give them credit for-where there is smoke there is fire, why insult someone’s intelligence? most of us have worked here for a long time, we know the drill. There is no way a company of this size is always right-It just aint happenin'

Instead you called for ups breaking the union. While I can agree with you that being a union shop offers us some competitive challenges I believe that the act of "breaking the union" would destroy this company. Were you to understand labor issues as well as you claim then you would see the folly in taking such a stance.

Again, a huge jump of faith. I don't claim to understand labor issues well at all. Point to any sentence in any of my postings where I make such an egregious claim. I have said that I understand the rules of the contract, and my opinion is that we cannot compete on a union platform, period.

Does that differ from your opinion, yes, would you care to actually tell us why you think that it is folly? because I'll tell you what I will do, I'll debate that very point with you.

We’ll see who can keep their emotions in check, use elements of the persuasive, and develop a sound argument using the time tested rudiments of good old fashioned style, syntax and creative language to carry the day.

I therefore see issues in which you propose to take a position that is not well thought out or that are taken out of ignorance. You then demand I educate you otherwise.

I am human, I have many things that I have not thought out, less so as I grow older, but I am far from ignorant and I have never proposed to take any position-I have just taken it, conviction is not one of my shortcomings.

I have never demanded anything of you, much less that you educate me.

You can hang things on semantics if you will, your calling card has always been fragments of thoughts, pregnant with provoking innuendo, but I prefer to deal in actual debate, reasonable human discourse - regarding real issues, tangible results, and above all spirited, theoretical argument.

Once I respond you then choose to ignore that education and again respond with the same questions in a tiresome effort to win the message board debate by attrition or submission rather then by presenting sound logic.

I always attach logic to my thoughts, you may not agree with it, but if you look at my postings I think that you will see that I often include pertinent examples, thought provoking analogies and very often I will ask a questions of the forum. All of those are tenets of logic. All of the aforementioned are directly related to the post that I am replying to. They may differ from your “education” -take that “education” to task, or dismiss it as folly, but as is evidence in this entire post - where I am replying directly to your thoughts, I think it can be safe to say I am not ignoring your “education” I just flat don’t agree with it.

As far as winning a debate? Debates are never won by logic or reason, they are won as court cases are - by words. The element of style, grace in language, and the ability to capture the attention of the reader.

As Mark Twain once said, The difference between the right word and almost the right word, is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.

The fact is that your participation on this board tends to increase when I am the catalyst. This leads me to believe your positions are not thought out and simply provided to rebut whatever position I take here.

Yeah... good observation, catalyst by its very definition gets something started, why would you believe that if you are a catalyst that it would not spark debate, it does, lots! Why would I not enter this debate, I do, like most others who respond to your spark.

Here is a good opportunity for you Tie, you make a declarative statement here, "This leads me to believe your positions are not thought out and simply provided to rebut whatever position I take here."

I'll respond- Why do think that? What about your viewpoint, conjecture, opinions and thoughts makes you think that I don't develop my arguments. Can you point to specific postings that, while they differ in opinion than yours, are not well written, soundly developed, or based in the tenets of logic-complete with analogy, example, and occasional fact?

If you read the above reply, I think it will demonstrate that I do put thought into what I post, especially when I am replying to one of your posts. The above stanza is a direct reply to one of your statements, can you support your original statement / argument (This leads me to believe your positions are not thought out and simply provided to rebut whatever position I take here.") with similar structure? It would be an interesting thread.

I realize this puts me into a position of egoism but I think your track record will prove me right. I really wish you would find some other poster you could become infatuated with and take me off this pedestal you have placed me on.

Message boards are funny birds, if you post on them you can expect that people will read what you say, offer opinion, tear your arguments limb from limb, agree with you, add your sentiment here, all of the above, etc.

Walk a mile in my shoes, can I ask the same of you or anyone else? No. If you don't like it - don't post-I didn't make the rules, that is just the way it is.

Well, did I just blindly respond to your thoughts, I don’t think so, but lets open it up to the forum, what do some others think?


Well-Known Member
Oui Vay!!
30,000 words to say " I know you are but what am I?"

Yes.. but good words, though, huh Tie? Well articulated, logical, solid developed argument, all of the things that you challenged me on. As I have said before, I have had my lunch eaten on message boards in the past, absolutely crucified. It is painful to say the least, but each a** whooping taught me to become a better contributor. You try and pick battles small enough to win and big enough to matter, in short-you tighten up your game.

It is never a bad strategy to extend yourself and meet the challenge head on, you always learn something in these forums.

By the way, it's Oy Vay Tie. Oui is yes in French...


Oui Vay!!
30,000 words to say " I know you are but what am I?"

Yes.. but good words, though, huh Tie? Well articulated, logical, solid developed argument, all of the things that you challenged me on. As I have said before, I have had my lunch eaten on message boards in the past, absolutely crucified. It is painful to say the least, but each a** whooping taught me to become a better contributor. You try and pick battles small enough to win and big enough to matter, in short-you tighten up your game.

It is never a bad strategy to extend yourself and meet the challenge head on, you always learn something in these forums.

By the way, it's Oy Vay Tie. Oui is yes in French...

ahh yes trickpony comes back from licking his wounds to flame me. Be carefull now or the school marm will have to spank you again. ROFLMAO
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I`m gonna copy and paste every post on this thread and make a book about it.I`ll call it...hmmm...
Of course I`ll need Cheryl`s permission,and that of every poster if y`all expect to benefit monitarily from the royalties. Heck,maybe it will spawn a movie someday,and we can all play ourselves.We won`t need a director,its easy being yourself.


Oh man I can't wait to feel so over fraught with guilt when I get my check in the mail. That unearned cash will just destroy my moral compass. I don't know how I will be able to look at myself in the mirror. What will all my creditors think when I pay them this unearned money? ...oh the shame of it all.

Tieguy wants a mea culpa from all of us dishonorable recipients. He considers all who accept this offer without showing "harm" malcontent employees with an axe to grind. What Tieguy can't seem to cope with is that his/our employer has made a business decision based on high priced legal advice from the same firm that helped draw up the language of the settlement and advised UPS to sign. His minor in college was pre law and that qualifies him in this topic and trumps all posts. He belives that a billion dollar company can do no wrong and that if he where king no such agreement would have happened. Well Tieguy you will get no mea culpa and you should dust of your law books and review because UPS saw the writing on the wall and took the least expensive exit in this matter. You are the one with no standing here look at your well manicured hands and tell me how many lunches you worked through. I know this is a place to express opinions but yours is just with out merit. Go deliver a 150stops 350pcs del 35pickups 250pcs p/u year after year and then come back and tell us CA drivers what we should do. In what capacity could UPS use a Tieguy like you? Certainly not as a center manager. That would require something you are distitute in "authority"skills. Oh yes you can type a good post but I bet you couldn't dispatch a center of pizza drivers let alone UPS drivers. So step away from the computer my bleary eyed overlord of the office supplies your are getting annoying.


Well-Known Member
Look here's the way to deal with it, take your lunch and 10 minute break, if you don't want the excessive overtime, file under article 37. The bottom line is if you can't make the business stops by taking your lunch it is up to management to fix it, you just have to have the courage to enforce the contract. If you consistanly take your lunch they will get it in their heads that you are going to be off the clock for your contractual hour. If you skip, they will take advantage of that. If you have a good steward that person can help you, even if your ba is weak.

Better believe this folks. If everyone took their full hour and breaks, they would need to put more routes up. I just recently learned a new trip and the guy who bid it is obviously a lunch skipper, his dispatch allows zero time for lunch or breaks.

Also, is it just me or are time studies completely freaking rigged? I realize the union doesn't recognize numbers, but it's not right that UPS can just make these numbers up from thin air. There are some trips that claim a 10 hour dispatch but it's really 8.5 and others are dispatched at 8.5 and are really 10.
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Oh man I can't wait to feel so over fraught with guilt when I get my check in the mail. That unearned cash will just destroy my moral compass. I don't know how I will be able to look at myself in the mirror. What will all my creditors think when I pay them this unearned money? ...oh the shame of it all.

Tieguy wants a mea culpa from all of us dishonorable recipients. He considers all who accept this offer without showing "harm" malcontent employees with an axe to grind. What Tieguy can't seem to cope with is that his/our employer has made a business decision based on high priced legal advice from the same firm that helped draw up the language of the settlement and advised UPS to sign. His minor in college was pre law and that qualifies him in this topic and trumps all posts. He belives that a billion dollar company can do no wrong and that if he where king no such agreement would have happened. Well Tieguy you will get no mea culpa and you should dust of your law books and review because UPS saw the writing on the wall and took the least expensive exit in this matter. You are the one with no standing here look at your well manicured hands and tell me how many lunches you worked through. I know this is a place to express opinions but yours is just with out merit. Go deliver a 150stops 350pcs del 35pickups 250pcs p/u year after year and then come back and tell us CA drivers what we should do. In what capacity could UPS use a Tieguy like you? Certainly not as a center manager. That would require something you are distitute in "authority"skills. Oh yes you can type a good post but I bet you couldn't dispatch a center of pizza drivers let alone UPS drivers. So step away from the computer my bleary eyed overlord of the office supplies your are getting annoying.

I know Dave I feel so guilty. Actually I'm management so I've learned to suppress my feelings of guilt:thumbup1:


Better believe this folks. If everyone took their full hour and breaks, they would need to put more routes up. I just recently learned a new trip and the guy who bid it is obviously a lunch skipper, his dispatch allows zero time for lunch or breaks.

Also, is it just me or are time studies completely freaking rigged? I realize the union doesn't recognize numbers, but it's not right that UPS can just make these numbers up from thin air. There are some trips that claim a 10 hour dispatch but it's really 8.5 and others are dispatched at 8.5 and are really 10.
Your union does not want to debate the time study issues because it puts them in an arena of having to challenge work measurement methods that would be supported by various technically recognized Industrial engineering standards.

its easier for them to defend the concept of best demonstrated as an honest days work.


Oh man I can't wait to feel so over fraught with guilt when I get my check in the mail. That unearned cash will just destroy my moral compass. I don't know how I will be able to look at myself in the mirror. What will all my creditors think when I pay them this unearned money? ...oh the shame of it all.

I actually tried to stay away from creating this type of hard feelings and the fact I apparently have Dave upset does bother me. For the most part i consider Dave a straight shooter here and I am sure he is a good UPSer. However I guess I am at an impasse of sorts here because I don't know anyway around it. The principles of integrity are not selective. If we are going to claim integrity as a value then we can not pick and choose the times when it works for us and the times when we put it to the wayside. In assessing whether the principles of integrity have been applied we sometimes have to have some hard honest dialogue. In this case I took that road and drove over a few feet in doing so. I had hoped to avoid that.
Is it fair to ask whether you were a victim of the lunch issue here?
Is it fair to ask whether you should opt out if you don't feel you deserve the money?
Is it fair to ask how you rectify taking the money if you were not a victim and did not earn it?
If not then I was wrong. If however it is fair then I think you will have to begruge me the right to ask the questions.

We live in a society where we profess freedom. We profess the right to have our three branchs of power represent our beliefs. In the process of assessing whether our government acts the way we expect we may have to have this type of dialogue. If you are comfortable with having a court system that provides you with class action mandated welfare then you have nothing to change. If however you see it as a threat to our way of life, our ability to have thriving businesses providing jobs and goods at affordable prices then you may need to speak up and ask for change.

If all you see out of this entire discussion is that I have questioned your integrity then I have either done a poor job of explaining my position or you have totally missed my point.


Well-Known Member
Tieguy - We live in a society where we profess freedom. We profess the right to have our three branchs of power represent our beliefs. In the process of assessing whether our government acts the way we expect we may have to have this type of dialogue. If you are comfortable with having a court system that provides you with class action mandated welfare then you have nothing to change. If however you see it as a threat to our way of life, our ability to have thriving businesses providing jobs and goods at affordable prices then you may need to speak up and ask for change.

Good points all. In fact, the three legislative branches of government exist as a system of checks and balances. Our legal system is exactly the same way. A defense attorney may know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you, his client, is guilty, but his responsibilty to the client is to argue his case to the best of his ability, the prosecution is charged with the same duties, the reason? - that somewhere in the middle of all that, the truth will come out.

Class action lawsuits were created to protect people who have had their rights violated, if they end up including people who have not have their rights violated, then they are subject to the exact same system of checks and balances that you aluded to earlier, you can actually prevail against a class action lawsuit, you don't have to settle it just because it was filed against you.

That threat that you talked about to our way of life... our brand of democracy is far,far less subject to arbitrary application of justice than someones moral code. It has to be, otherwise we would have anarchy.