climate catastrophe


Strength through joy
“We have an obligation to take every step possible to address the changes to our climate that are ravaging our planet and directly impacting the health, well-being, and livelihoods of the constituents we represent in Louisville,” councilwoman Maxine Most told Fox News.

Additionally, any new “gas stations and service stations will also be required to have at least two charging stations for electric vehicles and be 1,000 feet from existing stations unless they are part of a large retail center, according to the ordinance.”

Even though it is a hoax, let’s pretend Climate Change is real…. So how does banning gas stations decrease carbon emissions?

Like this lunatic city council, I’m no scientist, but it seems to me that if you limit the number of gas stations, two things will happen: 1) people waiting in line to get gas will idle their cars longer than they normally would, and 2) people will have to drive further to get gas. In both cases, you get cars running longer than they would otherwise, which puts more carbon in the air.

Gotta Go

Well-Known Member
He ain't wrong...And rich Democrats, including ex-Presidents, wouldn't have spent millions on beachfront mansions.


New Member
“We have an obligation to take every step possible to address the changes to our climate that are ravaging our planet and directly impacting the health, well-being, and livelihoods of the constituents we represent in Louisville,” councilwoman Maxine Most told Fox News.

Additionally, any new “gas stations and service stations will also be required to have at least two charging stations for electric vehicles and be 1,000 feet from existing stations unless they are part of a large retail center, according to the ordinance.”

Even though it is a hoax, let’s pretend Climate Change is real…. So how does banning gas stations decrease carbon emissions?

Like this lunatic city council, I’m no scientist, but it seems to me that if you limit the number of gas stations, two things will happen: 1) people waiting in line to get gas will idle their cars longer than they normally would, and 2) people will have to drive further to get gas. In both cases, you get cars running longer than they would otherwise, which puts more carbon in the air. Seems like gas industry is a new gun store industry with how much politicians been trying to ban and restrict stuff.

Ban new gas stations so drivers gotta drive extra miles everytime they gotta fill a tank, hence increasing emissions even more. Genious move, not gonna lie!
If anything you'd want stations MORE available, not less to decrease emissions.
‘We should be taking whatever incremental steps to not create additional fossil fuel infrastructure,’ said the councilmember, who also serves on the city’s Economic Vitality Committee.
Why are they thinking that more efficient ways(i.e infrastructure) are bad?! It's completely opposite: if we had better infrastructure we would cut both costs AND emissions of delivering gas to stations, etc.
Jesus, I hate those politicians more and more everyday.