confederate flag?


Engorged Member
Yes. Called sarcasm.

Rush is saying the US flag is coming down. This is the new narrative, now that they're trying to deflect from the ACA defeat. Oh, and plus the usual slew of gun ads, get rich hucksters and online trading gurus.

Get your emergency food supply and invest in gold today!


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Rush is saying the US flag is coming down. This is the new narrative, now that they're trying to deflect from the ACA defeat. Oh, and plus the usual slew of gun ads, get rich hucksters and online trading gurus.

Get your emergency food supply and invest in gold today!
The US flag was the flag of a nation that had slavery.

Why wouldn't that be the next flag to go?

I mean, someone out there must be offended by that fact.


Staff member
The US flag was the flag of a nation that had slavery.

Why wouldn't that be the next flag to go?

I mean, someone out there must be offended by that fact.
Not possible. Hawaii wasn't a state until '59 so the current US flag wasn't around at the end of the civil war.


Bad Moon Risen'
Brazilian Town Proudly Flies the Confederate Battle Flag

While the latest media-driven culture-war frenzy leaves America doubled over in agony about the Confederate battle flag, the path of tolerance and historical memory is much easier in the Brazilian town of Santa Barbara D’Oeste, where regular events bring together descendants of some ten thousand Confederates, seven generations removed, for what the BBC describes as “a sort of family reunion.”
Brazilians living in Santa Barbara D’Oeste “still maintain strong ties to Southern culture,” according to Levine, viewing themselves as “ethnically American to some degree” and waving the Confederate flag as a symbol of pride during their festivals, which are held several times each year, in much the same way Irish flags are waved on St. Patrick’s Day.
The result is a smooth blend of ethnic and cultural assimilation, including an inter-generational mix of white Southerners and Brazilians, dancing in period uniforms and dresses. “A lot of people who are descendants of these confederates have African blood as well, so you’ll see at the party people with dark skin waving the Confederate flag,” said Levine .
Brazil also harboured up to 2000 Nazi war criminals after the war ended. Wouldn't doubt they still fly Nazi Germanys flag down there.