Congratulations to my LOCAL 396!! Victory for the incumbents!


I would like to know why? Why the anger against our own brothers? It ok to have different ideas and dislike each other. That's what makes your face warm. But, the hate?

I think I would miss Upstate, if he left and we didn't have our whatever you call it.(Don't tell him I said that:wink2:)

Different ideas are great. Dissenting views are even better. TDU and Upstate are the same thing: criticize a process they don't participate in. In our local every so often TDU puts together a slate of malcontents who spout the same b/s you hear here. I look at the list, then verify these people are even Union members. Who are they? Are they ever at the hall? Nope. Do they ever approach me to become a Steward and become involved in the process? Nope. Are they more about the drama or are they really trying to improve things? (I've never found any TDU'er that wasn't just all about the drama which is counter-productive.) All they do is criticize from the outside.
Then, TDU puts together a slate and want to come in and run everything with no experience and no concept about what it really takes to manage a successful Union and win strong contracts. They promise everything to everybody yet have no track record to show for it.

Let's not forget what TDU, Teamsters for a Democratic Union likes to print on the inside of the Convoy Dispatch:
"we reserve the right to limit membership". I guess if they ever get to run things we can count on them locking the rest of us out.

We need a new acronym for TDU: DUMINO Democratic Union Member In Name Only


Well-Known Member
The 396 election was not much of a race. Yes, are the boys at 396 perfect? NO. But they are trying, they reach out for help when they need it and for the most part, represent UPSers in a professional manner. There is NOTHING anyone can say about fiscal management of the local.. Ron and his eboard have safeguarded the peoples money very well. Since 2002 we have grown the treasury at a greater rate than any previous administration.

Have there been problems? Sure, but you cant win them all.

G, a feeder driver, reached out to anybody he thought would give him recognition, and that included TDU. For the southwest, we respect all our brothers, but we will NEVER allow a subversive group (out here in the west) to control our local.

UPS dominates the ranks of local 396 and we support those who are not DIVIDERS.

For G, he lost the election back at the convention, when he lost control of his wife and she attacked a local 396 officer unprovoked, was cited by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police department for Battery, and both she and G were EJECTED out of the Ballys Hotel.

Later, back in Los Angeles, a superior court judge issued a three year restraining order against Galvans wife and she is prohibited from UNION functions where the local officer is attending.

This kind of nonsense disqualified G from any type of leadership role within our local. If he cant control his own wife, how was he to control a local with close to 11000 members in it?

G should have never included or involved his wife in union politics as she is not a member. NO person running for office should include their wives into the political arena if they cant be controlled.

At the end of the day, TDU or no TDU, G was not a legitimate candidate.


What do you have to say about this liar. And your local does not have the 11,000 members or so you claim. Your local has less then 9000 members. If you had 11,000 members they why did you guys only send out 8700 or ballots to your members? Don't inflate your numbers. Say hi to your liar at 396. G lost because he was an idiot that didn't listen and didn't know how to campaign.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
What do you have to say about this liar. And your local does not have the 11,000 members or so you claim. Your local has less then 9000 members. If you had 11,000 members they why did you guys only send out 8700 or ballots to your members? Don't inflate your numbers. Say hi to your liar at 396. G lost because he was an idiot that didn't listen and didn't know how to campaign.

I see you have limited knowledge of how our local works, eh? Maybe you believe local 396 only represents UPS? We have many entities from UPS, to rubish, to print to Loomis fargo. What in your link were you trying to prove?

The elections officer who took up a complaint from J Phillips clearly VALIDATES my claims. It clearly validates Galvans wife was cited by metro vegas PD for battery, it clearly validates that a restraining order was placed against P G for three years ( and by the way, P G was not even allowed to testify at her hearing after the judge viewed the security video from ballys hotel, stating the VIDEOS SPOKE FOR THEMSELVES)

The link clearly establishes that P G attacked J phillips without warning or reason.

So, what were you trying to prove?

That J Phillips exaggerated the "severity" of the claims to the election officer?

Wow, there you have it THE CASE BREAKER!

EVIL, If I didnt know better, id think you were a recently terminated driver, who thought he had it all figured out, who let his EGO write checks his brain couldnt cash and with an AX to grind.

Unfortunately for you, its not G who didnt know how to run a campaign, it was the people he chose to surround himself with. For G, selecting the dumbest guys in the room made him feel intelligent, and those around him, who have NEVER had a single days experience running a local campaign believed they were the smartest advisors in the room, took each other down the drain while holding hands.

Shouters, fist wavers, trouble makers, idiots were the descriptive words coming out of the members mouths when they would describe the G SLATE and its entourage. Maybe you thought UNION power was the old shout downs standing in front of yards like you guys were doing?

You guys had no idea that you were destroying your own campaigns with your mouths.

Amateurs. Plain and simple. A bunch of nobody's with big dreams. Who was the brainchild of the group? D Martinez? HAHAHAHAH

Dont make me laugh! That idiot couldnt fight his way out of a wet paper bag.



Well-Known Member
The Election Supervisor found that Phillips falsely accused Patricia G, wife of Local Union 396 member Richard G, of jumping on Phillips’ back, locking her arms around his neck, virtually hanging on him, pulling his head, slapping him, and clawing at him at the IBT convention in Las Vegas, Nevada on June 28, 2011. Security videotape showed that these accusations by Phillips against Patricia G were false and that G did not do any of those things. The Election Supervisor will not tolerate violation of the Election Rules. The Election Supervisor has ordered Phillips to cease and desist from further violations of the Election Rules, and has ordered him to pay a fine from personal funds of $500 to the Office of the Election Supervisor. Local Union 396 has been ordered to post this notice on all worksite bulletin boards where members of this local union work.

This does not prove what you claim. You're just another liar like Jay Phillips!


Well-Known Member
As for the non UPS workforce. You had over 3500 sanitation members decertify in the last three years because they were sick and tired of horrible representation received by Local 396 racist business agents.


Well-Known Member
Phillips is a lawyer????? It seems as though there are major contradictions based on the protest that is conducted by the NLRB by Phillips but as I stated earlier I really do not see the point in this thread. Mrs. G was cleared of the allegations based on the security tape but Phillips being a lawyer knew more ins and outs than G. Somethings are better served being kept amongst your own local union. Airing out dirty laundry on the internet can pose to be immature.


Well-Known Member
Not immature. You are liar just like Jay Phillips and everyone should know the truth about the President of Local 396. This investigation was not conducted by the NLRB. It was conducted by the Office of the Election Supervisor. Don't forget that. And stop lying about what really happened. There's and OES report for everyone to view and read themselves. Decision 2011 ESD 323.pdf

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The Election Supervisor found that Phillips falsely accused Patricia G, wife of Local Union 396 member Richard G, of jumping on Phillips’ back, locking her arms around his neck, virtually hanging on him, pulling his head, slapping him, and clawing at him at the IBT convention in Las Vegas, Nevada on June 28, 2011. Security videotape showed that these accusations by Phillips against Patricia G were false and that G did not do any of those things. The Election Supervisor will not tolerate violation of the Election Rules. The Election Supervisor has ordered Phillips to cease and desist from further violations of the Election Rules, and has ordered him to pay a fine from personal funds of $500 to the Office of the Election Supervisor. Local Union 396 has been ordered to post this notice on all worksite bulletin boards where members of this local union work.

This does not prove what you claim. You're just another liar like Jay Phillips!

I realize that your explanation is the kind of ridiculous interpretation that the G clan took from the report, but the facts are the facts. NOWHERE in the election officers report is J. Phillips accused of lying about being attacked.

What the election official found, was the Phillips exaggerated the event, but when you look at all the facts, including P Galvans OWN words, she attacked him in the Ballys hotel without provocation.

P. Galvans OWN words in her statement state that she intended on CONFRONTING J. Phillips and decided to do so when she saw him walking away from her at the hotel. From behind, she GRABBED Phillips placing one hand on his arm and the other on his chest....

I dont know where you got your law degree from, but that is called a "simple battery", the exact charge the Metro Vegas PD charged her with by citation. In addition, the hotel security, after interviewing G and watching the various video tapes of the event, EJECTED both she and R. G from the hotel.

The election officer clearly validates this in his report.

I realize you want to extrapolate certain parts of the election officers report and leave out the facts, but you cant have it that way. The report contains ALL the assertained facts of the case.

Phillips was only held responsible for "exaggeratting" the severity of the event and NOT THE CHARGE.

Looking at the facts, its easy to see how Phillips recollection may differ from the actual events given the fact that he was attacked from behind and never saw P G approaching. You have to remember that the elections officer is NOT a criminal investigator nor a policeman nor a detective.

All they can do is gather all the "FACTS" and reports and make a judgement.

If you are purporting to represent that P G did not attack J. Phillips from the rear and place her hands onto Mr Phillips person, then you are a bigger idiot than I gave you credit for being.

Mr Phillips was sanctioned for his "mis statements", but that did not prove P Galvans innocence. A Los Angeles Superior court judge viewed all the security tapes of the incident and ruled in J Phillips favor stating the VIDEOS SPOKE FOR THEMSELVES. P G was not allowed to speak in her defense as the JUDGE felt it was not necessary. A THREE YEAR restraining order is in place and against P G.

I noticed you did not DENY the restraining order, but that figures. Maybe you dont want to recognize that the threshold for a battery was met and the legal system ruled that P G was a threat to J Phillips.

What you want to discuss is exactly why you helped lose the election. You dont deal in facts. You want to take favorable portions of something and make a mountain out of it. P Galvans own words admit to attacking Phillips without cause. She sounds like a kook, with claims of crank phone calls, her car vandalized, sexual advancements made to her by 396 officers ( and personally, I wouldnt make such an advance to her) and other kooky claims that she felt J Phillips was responsible for.

But, when asked by the police about these claims, and what proof she had, she stated she had ZERO proof. Those are her own words. That makes her attack on Phillips even more ridiculous.

You can take things out of context or leave out facts, thats the methodology of Dave Martinez. Its something I hope R G gets away from if hes to get his dignity back.

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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
As for the non UPS workforce. You had over 3500 sanitation members decertify in the last three years because they were sick and tired of horrible representation received by Local 396 racist business agents.

Again, another ridiculous charge without merit. The business agents for the rubbish industry are hispanic and the members are hispanic. This is why TDU isnt taken seriously out here in So Cal. You clowns make things up in hopes of stirring controversy and winning office.

Sorry Bro, youre out of your mind.



Well-Known Member
You mean racist Mexican-Americans that speak horrible Spanish and belittle our immigrant brothers. Not one guy in the sanitation industry supports you guys. Why else did Isidro Valdivia have to seek another alternative? Because you :censored2: wouldn't help him, you sided with management. If G was TDU don't you think I would have been on his slate?


Well-Known Member
Not immature. You are liar just like Jay Phillips and everyone should know the truth about the President of Local 396. This investigation was not conducted by the NLRB. It was conducted by the Office of the Election Supervisor. Don't forget that. And stop lying about what really happened. There's and OES report for everyone to view and read themselves. Decision 2011 ESD 323.pdf

Calm down my friend. The Department of Labor supervises all IBT presidential elections. That is also the Office of the Election Supervisor.


Nine Lives
You mean racist Mexican-Americans that speak horrible Spanish and belittle our immigrant brothers. Not one guy in the sanitation industry supports you guys. Why else did Isidro Valdivia have to seek another alternative? Because you :censored2: wouldn't help him, you sided with management. If G was TDU don't you think Isidro would have been on his slate?

Good grief! I think TOS has met her match.



Well-Known Member
Hoaxter, all these H boot lickers do is lie. R. G is not TDU but they continue to lie. Their president had to pay a $500 fine for lying to the election officer. He got caught in Camden camera. This was after they called G's wife names in the restaurant. These guys are nothing but lying thugs man.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Hoaxter, all these H boot lickers do is lie. R. G is not TDU but they continue to lie. Their president had to pay a $500 fine for lying to the election officer. He got caught in Camden camera. This was after they called G's wife names in the restaurant. These guys are nothing but lying thugs man.

Listen doofus, the election officers job was NOT to investigate a crime. It was to investigate whether or nor R G violated any election rules by having his WIFE interfere with a sitting officer on the current Eboard.

While the election officer conducted NO investigation other than to gather reports taken by the:

1) Hotel security personnel
2) Metro Vegas PD
3) Hotel security cameras

Then review each and determined whether or not any ELECTION rules were broken. At the end of the day, the officer found that NO RULES were broken By R. G, however, the officer sanctioned J. Phillips for statements in his reports to Hotel Security and Metro Police that didnt quite match the video surveillance.

J. Phillips account may not have been totally accurate upon review, but at the time, given the circumstances, its easy to establish that Phillips could easily make a mistake in recounting events as they happened so quickly and unexpectedly. Did P G jump on his back? Maybe not, but she did attack from the back, grab, turn, hold and place her hand on Phillips chest. This was confirmed by the election officer and subsequqently confirmed by a Los Angeles Superior court judge.

Did P G scratch his face? Maybe not, but she admits reaching for his face and attempting to point her finger in his face while shouting obscentities at him. Even when she was separated from him by other teamsters, P G was attempting to reach over the person in between her and phillips and was still trying to get in phillips face. This is confirmed in the election officers report and admitted by P G herself.

The election officers job was not to establish criminality for legal charges, that was not his assignment, his assignment was to investigate charges filed by J. Phillips for election violations.

The duty of establishing criminality was done by a Superior Court Judge here in Los Angeles who heard the case, watched all the surveilance videos and made a ruling without EVER hearing P Galvans side of the story.

P G and R G made a decision to appear in court without legal counsel whereas J. Phillips was represented by counsel. The judge, after hearing testimony from J. Phillips, and then viewing all the tapes made his decision, finding that the tapes SPOKE for themselves and ANY testimony from P G would not help her case. A three year restraining order was placed in effect, and P G must stay away from J Phillips or any UNION function that Phillps may be attending. It furthers that in the event that the both of them arrive at a union function, its P G who must leave the function and stay at least 300 yards away from J. Phillips.

No mattter what the election officer decided in the matter of election violations, the criminal aspect of the case was proven and a judgement entered against P G. She was also ordered to surrender any guns in her possession.

As for P Galvans kooky claims of name calling and such obsurtities, she offers no proof that Phillips or any other union member is behind those things. Reading P Galvans statements to hotel security , the police and the election officer shows an emotional woman who lost control of not only herself, but her rational thought as well. P G admits to wanting a confrontation with Phillips and intended to interupt Phillips right to peace and free travel by grabbing his arm, turning him around, placing her hand on his chest and shouting obsentities to him.

If you view this in any other manner than how it was explained by all accounts, then you dont know how to read.

J. Phillips accounts of what happened can be easily explained if you apply logic and rational thought to the scenario.

Merely extrapolating the end result of the election officers finding and leaving out the totality of the investigation and subsequent court hearings is too deny reality. Nice try though.

Next time you try to do your Perry Mason impersonation, try applying all the facts of the case before you reach a conclusion.

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