Contract updates are ridiculous nonsense!

No the job discription said a an late night entertainer. So I’m sure I’m ok... I hope there isn’t any tests I have to take I alway choke when I’m under pressure.
Just busting your chops.


Well-Known Member
Updates are vague by design and I understand why look while we all think our understanding is on level with the negotiating committee for most of us it's not the case.lets let them do their jobs and make decisions when the time comes


Sometimes i feel like a nut sometimes i dont
Updates are vague by design and I understand why look while we all think our understanding is on level with the negotiating committee for most of us it's not the case.lets let them do their jobs and make decisions when the time comes
Time is now

Dulce Bombón

I'm Legal Gringo! UPS Latina Heat! Haters ❤ me!
People Be Optimistic!!! Learn from "The Law of Attraction" why spreading bad news? Let at least wait for the upcoming results for God Sake.