Corporations / Citizens


Well-Known Member
Unless you are yelling fire in a theater or some such you can pretty much say anything you like here as long as it isn't slander. People say all kinds of things about Trump, much if not most of it untrue. Where are the government agents breaking down their doors and dragging them away? You say people need to grow up. You seem to get much of your views from movies that are intended to excite in order to make money. Time you grew up and realized that there isn't some easy glide path being kept from us. Most people have to work hard to have anything and that is exactly what makes things work. Having everything handed to you is the exact way to watch everything fall apart.
exactly and in a sense people are not working hard. and in other sense they are working hard and getting little to nothing in return because their hard work is being handed to a few rotten capitalists.

my understanding of the world is mostly from youtube interviews with some movies on top.

no you cant, if youre in the streets long enough with enough people saying a message your govt doesnt like, then they put whatever charges they can on you. the cops play dirty. they push protestors on the streets, sexual assault women protestors, accuse protestors of assaulting police, etc. the justice system sucks too. they killed MLK, they killed black panther party leaders, US has the most violent labor history of any developed country i believe.
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Well-Known Member
exactly and in a sense people are not working hard. and in other sense they are working hard and getting little to nothing in return because their hard work is being handed to a few rotten capitalists.

my understanding of the world is mostly from youtube interviews with some movies on top.

no you cant, if youre in the streets long enough with enough people saying a message your govt doesnt like, then they put whatever charges they can on you. the cops play dirty. they push protestors on the streets, sexual assault women protestors, accuse protestors of assaulting police, etc. the justice system sucks too. they killed MLK, they killed black panther party leaders, US has the most violent labor history of any developed country i believe.
Again, you're getting your info from people who overblow everything to fit their agenda. You're the one being manipulated and you don't realize it.
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Well-Known Member
Ask the billions in developing nations if they would like to have what the developed world has. They don't think it's overblown at all.
most information people recieve is BS and a means of manipulating them. the greatest philosophies in the world are based on this notion.


Inordinately Right
Public Citizen

: When did FB become aware of Cambridge Analytica? Zuck: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

A: When was the hack discussed w Peter Thiel? Z: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

A: When can politicians lie in ads? Z: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

A: Why are white supremacist tied pubs fact-checking? Z: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It was a hearing about Facebook's crypto currency and not actually about anything the Dimwits asked about.

AOC came out strong against freedom of speech in that hearing. What a dumb bitch.


Well-Known Member
It was a hearing about Facebook's crypto currency and not actually about anything the Dimwits asked about.

AOC came out strong against freedom of speech in that hearing. What a dumb bitch.
youre right shes so corrupt and stupid in general and to be asking about facebooks previous behaviors as a corporation.


Well-Known Member
sick song. north america needs to follow chiles lead and take back our future and country from the billionaires which are destroying it in the name of short term profits. oh and US supported pinochet, and maybe installed him i forget:

A Chilean orchestra gave an open-air performance of "El pueblo unido, jamás será vencido!" ("The people united will never be defeated") in Santiago.

The song was written in 1973, only months before the violent coup by dictator Augusto Pinochet, who assumed power in September.

redfish on Twitter


Well-Known Member
wall street white collar crime ruined this youtubers childhood:

Squidtards' First Cousin 2 years ago
I was like 9 when the crash of 08 hit and like you I was to young to even realize what was happening. But looking back now as I'm about to graduate HS I can now say this event is what has shaped my life the most to this point. In 05 my parents had their third child (I'm the oldest) and needed to move out of the small three bedroom two bath house we had. So they rented a very nice two story four bed two and a half house in a very nice neighborhood. Well my father worked installing cabinets in houses for a living and my mother worked as a event manager with my aunts. When the market went to :censored2: my dad lost his job immediately and my mom a few months after that. My mother and father started arguing a lot and as Christmas came they were borrowing :censored2: loads of money just to pay rent. I remember my dad going out every day looking for work but he couldn't find any and my mom had to do whatever she could make a little cash which wasn't much. All and all by the end of summer 2009 my parents had split my siblings and I went to live with out mother and our grandparents for the next 6 years and my dad had to live in different relatives basements for the next year. They both found work my dad has a good job now but he racked up so much debt that the IRA audited him like three times. But I remember my parents started arguing over every little thing back then the stress of having three kids to support and not having a damn clue what they were going to do got to them a lot."


Well-Known Member
reminds me of cigarette companies and climate catastrophe deniers who push something which is bad for everyone:

Captain Tsubasa 10 3 years ago
I graduated business school in 2005 and got a job working as a mortgage broker. I realized very quickly that I wasn't very good at selling mortgages, because the only ones you could really make money at the time were the no income verification loan. I kept asking lots of questions to the reps and managers as to how they were good options for my customers and how they seemed like a terrible idea. I'd run peoples credit reports and see they'd be in mounds of debt and didn't make very much money and I was able to find them low payment (at the begining of the loan) mortgages. In the end I only lasted a year after just feeling :censored2:ty all the time. I remember we hired some guy from country wide and he was treated like a god, cause everyone wanted to work there. It's funny looking back at that time and realizing that something just wasn't right, but I never would have envisioned at the time how things would go. But I laughed out loud, because the depiction of those mortgage brokers in Florida was spot on. Most of the top sellers I met, barely had high school educations and were just good sales men and didn't have very good financial analytical skills. I'm sure we'll see something like this again in a different version.
sick song. north america needs to follow chiles lead and take back our future and country from the billionaires which are destroying it in the name of short term profits. oh and US supported pinochet, and maybe installed him i forget:

A Chilean orchestra gave an open-air performance of "El pueblo unido, jamás será vencido!" ("The people united will never be defeated") in Santiago.

The song was written in 1973, only months before the violent coup by dictator Augusto Pinochet, who assumed power in September.

redfish on Twitter