craziest thing related to your handtruck or diad.


Stronger, Faster, Browner
We had a plane come in 1 hr late so I was running my tailoff trying to make all air on time. I wasstuck with a sprinter. All cramped up and frustrated with my diad getting hung up on the belt, I threw the diad on the dash and it hit the windshield creating a pretty nice spider web on it.

Dohhhhh. I neer heard a thing about it. :surprised:


Well-Known Member
LOL in my beginning days I was going in for the day around spagetti junction (the highest point) when my hand truck slid outta the car onto the highway...needless to say I stopped and the traffic behind me stopped while I hoofed it back to retrieve my cart......BC


Well-Known Member
2nd day on the job, out on route with the sup & as he's telling me how to load the handtruck poperly so it doesnt crack me in the forehead I did exactly that & was seeing stars for the next few minutes. Left a DIAD at my last pickup stop once too, luckily the guy who was doing the route next to mine picked it up on his way in. Another time I had a half broken handtruck, was all I could get in the building. Went out to my 1st stop, loaded it up, leaned it against the back of the truck for leverage & the thing snapped right in half & dumped about 6 packages into the street. Luckily I saved'em before thye got run over.


Retired 23 years
I was delivering to a vet on my route whos office was up a filght of stairs. About half way up with my full cart I slipped and as I fell my eye socket smashed into the handrail on the steps. I gathered myself together and pulled the cart into his office only to realize I was bleeding like a stuck hog. I should of had a couple of stitches above the eye but he cleaned the wound and glued the cut with some kind of surgery glue. Other than having to explain my nice shiner I got by telling everyone about the big bar fight I was in (he made me promise not to tell anyone he had treated a human) and I was none the worse for wear. I know if that glue were made available to the public the Band-Aid company would go out of business.:peaceful:


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever throw a pkg onto a handtruck and have it knock you out? Thats something you do ONE TIME.

Had a knot in the middle of my forehead, hurt like hell. And I had a sup with me at the time. LOL

A little lower for me. The cart flipped up and broke my nose. Loading the cart while it's leaning on the rear bumper is dangerous and in the UPS safety videos.

I had DIAD II fall off a stack of pkgs. while walking down a flight of steps. It cartwheeled down the steps, bounced off the floor and stuck in the drywall about a foot up - oops...


I was delivering to a vet on my route whos office was up a filght of stairs. About half way up with my full cart I slipped and as I fell my eye socket smashed into the handrail on the steps. I gathered myself together and pulled the cart into his office only to realize I was bleeding like a stuck hog. I should of had a couple of stitches above the eye but he cleaned the wound and glued the cut with some kind of surgery glue. Other than having to explain my nice shiner I got by telling everyone about the big bar fight I was in (he made me promise not to tell anyone he had treated a human) and I was none the worse for wear. I know if that glue were made available to the public the Band-Aid company would go out of business.:peaceful:

Its a just a slightly modified super glue, normal super glue will work as long as you clean out the injury very thoroughly first


What the hell is YOUPS??
Once I loaded up a hand truck with computers, only to have it snap in half when I lifted it. Another driver at my centre lost his DIAD when he left it on the roof of his truck and drove out of a loading dock.