Diad program upgrade. Don't play w/nxda


Active Member
Just the other day I had gotten to a stop at 10:29 and didn't get to close it out until 10:30. Didn't come up late, and when I checked the time after the screen had returned for me to put in the next address it had barely changed to 10:31.

Would seem wrong for them to say it was late when I was waiting on the customer.


Well-Known Member
this is a little off topic but,

how is this for integrity? i just finished training as a casual package car driver and my on-car showed me how to cheat with nxda's.....

well as long as he has good numbers what does he care.....


I am a little perplexed on this topic. First of all why would the company risk giving back the revenue on all these late airs with this type of change? Second if the delivery time is done by signature, then just make a scratch/mark on the sig screen once you have it in signature mode and that would fix that. Just this week I got signature and stop completed at Best Buy after 10:30, but started the stop before 10:30 and nothing showed late. I have also been trained that once you scan the 3rd nda package for a stop the delivery time is locked at the 3rd scaned nda package on every package scaned after it.


Well-Known Member
been on EDD for couple years now..I have a bulk stop everyday 300+ pieces mixed between NDA and 2DA.. Never finish this stop before 11am and not once has it showed late delivery..
If you would be so kind as to let me fill you all in ....

i work in the TSC is Vegas heres the deal on the latest DCS upgrade...

GPRS is enabled, the servers keep track of your location and randomly timestamp things and mark it on the server ... So scanning a package before you get there is a no no ...

The diads count delivery time starting fromt he 1st scan. So you wont be LATE if you start scanning before the scheduled time.

Diad 4s SUCK ... no way around it, eat it up a little bit and watch it bounce into bootloader or god forbid ... the good ol Symbol Logo on the front ....lol