Dont buy gas on May 15th



Yea ..we still have to buy gas but we also need to send a message.

I think it would be appropriate for the oil companies to send a message back – like shut down their refineries for about six months.

In turn UPS and other trucking companies can also shut down for six months while you literally and figuratively starve.

During that time you can reflect upon Life and How Things Work and what Your Place is in that relationship and how insignificant it is.

Then maybe you’ll Understand Stuff like how the feds and the state make more off a gallon of gas than the oil companies do – and they don’t lift a finger to produce, market, or deliver the end product.

They’re a parasitic third party lining their pocket off the effort – and considerable risk – that company expends and assumes.

I’ve always been of the opinion that American (and international) companies should form “Industry Alliances.” Primarily it’d be to pool resources to fund a standing private paramilitary organization.

Think of something like Executive Outcomes, only much larger.

That’d be useful in many instances – labor problems, poor judicial decisions, legislators floating flaky bills, silly lawsuits… on and on.

You think it’s perfectly legitimate to attempt to maximize your salary or hourly wage? Then it’s perfectly acceptable for them to maximize the profit on their product.

It’s especially funny listening to the complaining and moaning from UPS Teamsters. You make *industry leading* wages. You *deserve* to pay industry leading *prices* for everything you consume.

I’m serious when I say that in the next labor contract (if there is one) - in *addition* to being required to wear a dunce cap and big red clown nose as part of your official uniform – you should be required to have whatever-union emblem tattooed to your forehead so that merchants can immediately determine that you can *afford* to pay much more and can ring your purchases accordingly.

Need gas? $3.51/gal for Joe Schmoe. Ooh – but you have the IAM tattoo - $7.35/gal for you.

Need your driveway re-poured? $900 for Sam Somebody but you have the twin Teamster Burros on your forehead - $2,300 for you.

It’s only “fair” if you think about it.

Yep, that’s how that should work.

I thought twice about posting this – being primarily a Teamster crybaby board and all.

But again – your average Teamster reads at the second grade level. By the time the rest drag their fingers over the text while mouthing the words they won’t comprehend what any of it means.

[Saw a nice 1950’s style cartoon of a little girl sitting reading a book. The caption said “T…th…the…ca….cat…i…in…th…the…ha…ha….hat – oh screw it, I’m gonna be a stripper when I grow up.” LOL! And *that* was the smarter daughter of a Teamster!]


Well-Known Member
Nice, cozy, little idea, but it's not even a band aid.

My questions are,

Why isn't Mr. Bush have some little chats with his good friends the Saudi Royal Family? We've done a lot to help the Saudi's in the past so why can't they return the favor since they exert such enormous influence over the oil prices in the world market?

And why aren't we more aggressively tapping into the oil supply at the National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska? And to all the nature fanatics, of that 19 million acres, only a tiny fraction of the land would be used to withdraw the 10 billion barrels of oil believed to be there.

Last fall a new oil field was found below the Gulf of Mexico that could boost the nation's oil reserves by 50 percent. Why isn't more being done about that?

There are also supposed oil and gas reserves off the coast of Virginia....

But no, let's bind ourselves up into decades of red tape and continue our dependence on the Middle East...


Browncafe Steward
I think it would be appropriate for the oil companies to send a message back – like shut down their refineries for about six months.

In turn UPS and other trucking companies can also shut down for six months while you literally and figuratively starve.

During that time you can reflect upon Life and How Things Work and what Your Place is in that relationship and how insignificant it is.

Then maybe you’ll Understand Stuff like how the feds and the state make more off a gallon of gas than the oil companies do – and they don’t lift a finger to produce, market, or deliver the end product.

They’re a parasitic third party lining their pocket off the effort – and considerable risk – that company expends and assumes.

I’ve always been of the opinion that American (and international) companies should form “Industry Alliances.” Primarily it’d be to pool resources to fund a standing private paramilitary organization.

Think of something like Executive Outcomes, only much larger.

That’d be useful in many instances – labor problems, poor judicial decisions, legislators floating flaky bills, silly lawsuits… on and on.

You think it’s perfectly legitimate to attempt to maximize your salary or hourly wage? Then it’s perfectly acceptable for them to maximize the profit on their product.

It’s especially funny listening to the complaining and moaning from UPS Teamsters. You make *industry leading* wages. You *deserve* to pay industry leading *prices* for everything you consume.

I’m serious when I say that in the next labor contract (if there is one) - in *addition* to being required to wear a dunce cap and big red clown nose as part of your official uniform – you should be required to have whatever-union emblem tattooed to your forehead so that merchants can immediately determine that you can *afford* to pay much more and can ring your purchases accordingly.

Need gas? $3.51/gal for Joe Schmoe. Ooh – but you have the IAM tattoo - $7.35/gal for you.

Need your driveway re-poured? $900 for Sam Somebody but you have the twin Teamster Burros on your forehead - $2,300 for you.

It’s only “fair” if you think about it.

Yep, that’s how that should work.

I thought twice about posting this – being primarily a Teamster crybaby board and all.

But again – your average Teamster reads at the second grade level. By the time the rest drag their fingers over the text while mouthing the words they won’t comprehend what any of it means.

[Saw a nice 1950’s style cartoon of a little girl sitting reading a book. The caption said “T…th…the…ca….cat…i…in…th…the…ha…ha….hat – oh screw it, I’m gonna be a stripper when I grow up.” LOL! And *that* was the smarter daughter of a Teamster!]
Wow another cowardly bi%$h, scared to open an account or post under their real name. Why are you scared to give your name? Your wifey must be real happy that she married a coward, better not let her on here, she might fall in love with one of us teamsters here. Then we will have to give it to her like a big girl, think she can handle it?


Browncafe Steward
Before any of you moderators jump on me for that personal attack, i cant beleive you allow a post like that on here calling teamsters daughters strippers. That post had to clear you guys first and if posts like that get approved bashing mine or any of my teamster brothers and sisters families i will stand up and personally attack them with the same disregard they showed us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
So how much should you overly paid management peeps pay for said items/services?! I am certain you have always refused to get a raise and turned down all bonuses, and gave all your stock to the poor right? Hate to break it to you but without paying the wages we earn, this company wouldn't be as successful as it is, because people wouldn't put up with the crap for what you would have paid without a union. Sure compare FedEx, because the only reason they make anything comparable is because they have to, if they want to keep from having a Union contract, and even your pay is based where it is because there sure wouldn't be any incentive to go into management if you made alot less than the "Union" workers!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Sorry I got lost on the2nd grade reading level mentality thing, I didnt waste my time reading the stripper part.
Rip away, keep the language clean and no threats, and you got free reign.
I think it was totally stupid, but its free speech. We do not want to impede that, just threatening language.
Ive seen your posts 705, and you can surely do it without the idiocrasy he has stooped to. I did not approve it, but I probaly would have as it looked like it was written by a 2nd grader, and I knew we could handle that.


Browncafe Steward
Sorry I got lost on the2nd grade reading level mentality thing, I didnt waste my time reading the stripper part.
Rip away, keep the language clean and no threats, and you got free reign.
I think it was totally stupid, but its free speech. We do not want to impede that, just threatening language.
Ive seen your posts 705, and you can surely do it without the idiocrasy he has stooped to. I did not approve it, but I probaly would have as it looked like it was written by a 2nd grader, and I knew we could handle that.
I dont mind battling with people on here. But when you dont know who your battling it defeats the purpose. Here when you argue with someone you almost know them just by reading their posts, it makes it a better experience.

I have gotten carried away on some issues, but i will never bad mouth someones family and expect the same treatment.

The reason i called the moderators on this this IDIOT is because hes a new user whos posts have to get approved. Now i didnt agree with everything submarine said but he was banned( now i didnt see all the posts), but this jag can come on here flaming and disrespecting the backbone of ups and flying off with personal attacks and its okay? Im not sure if hes management but is that why he hasnt had his post removed and or been banned?


APWA Hater
Well, gas skyrocketed overnight in the midwest and locally too.

I bought gas yesterday as I usually do.

Simply not buying gas on one day does nothing, as it did nothing - infact drove the prices up. Enjoy filling up today or later on this week because you ran on fumes with the heightened prices. Glad I got my gas at 3.07 yesterday.

What is going to stop the gas prices from skyrocketing it decreasing demand. The demand is as high as ever - I have changed my driving habits (I drive more like an old person everyday), I only go out when necessary etc. I'm also de-modding one of my cars and selling it and I'm leaving the factory supercharger pulley on my daily driver now. It just isn't worth it anymore. People trading in their gas guzzlers for economic vehicles or motorcycles is whats going to help us - for the long term.

I'm working on getting my old 95 Taurus SHO running again, so I won't have to drive my Grand Prix GTP daily (boost=required 91+octane=high gas bill). If gas hits 4.50-5 dollars a gallon, screw what my old lady feels about motorcycles, I'm buying one.

Basic Economics.


Go big orange
-big petro companies are raping the consumers. I remember when gas was 25 cents a gallon. The big petro companies know they have us by the ####s. Not buying gas on May 15 just might convey a real clear message to the petro companies that the consumer is more organized than they thought.
Let's see, the gas companies make $.08 a gallon profit, while Uncle Sam makes (approx.) $.58 a gallon. Yep, those big bad oil companies are really gouging the consumer:thumbup1:
Brother, I agree that the prices are high and with you other assessment about the deportation of US middle class jobs. But we need to be taking our frustration out on our elected officials who wanna tax us for there pork barrel spending and entitlement programs then turn around an make out like the oil companies (and others) are the boogy man. Lets see, if they cut there profit margin by half, we save $.04 a gallon. If Uncle Sam eliminates his thieving, we save $.58 a gallon:w00t:
Anyway, not trying to bust your chops, just frustrated at our do nothing congress and there attempts to divert attention away from there ineptness.

buy gas on May 15th

I just checked Yahoo Finance, and ExxonMobile is still in business. Not only that, their stock is up $0.39. How could the May 15th gas boycott not have worked??? Now, I am beginning to wonder if I am really going to receive 7 years of good luck for forwarding that chain email to 7 of my closest friends... And that $9,000,000 that the Nigerian Embassy promised to wire to me if I emailed them my bank account and pin? Oh, cruel world. You have tricked me once again!!!


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Before any of you moderators jump on me for that personal attack, i cant believe you allow a post like that on here calling teamsters daughters strippers. That post had to clear you guys first and if posts like that get approved bashing mine or any of my teamster brothers and sisters families i will stand up and personally attack them with the same disregard they showed us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am the Moderator that approved that post, and yes, I did read it first. I have worked as an hourly at UPS since 1975, so I am an "overpaid Teamster crybaby" according to our "guest", who probably either isn't brave or intelligent enough to figure out how to register. I disagreed with it, but as long as it doesn't contain spam or porn, I felt I had to allow it. Most guest posts are normal like the Registered Users, but every once in a while, there is one like this that makes me cringe a little bit. So in the spirit of "free speech", I allowed it, although I didn't think it was "intelligent Speech".:ohmy:


Browncafe Steward
I am the Moderator that approved that post, and yes, I did read it first. I have worked as an hourly at UPS since 1975, so I am an "overpaid Teamster crybaby" according to our "guest", who probably either isn't brave or intelligent enough to figure out how to register. I disagreed with it, but as long as it doesn't contain spam or porn, I felt I had to allow it. Most guest posts are normal like the Registered Users, but every once in a while, there is one like this that makes me cringe a little bit. So in the spirit of "free speech", I allowed it, although I didn't think it was "intelligent Speech".:ohmy:
Scratch the bashing of the teamsters did not bother me i hear it on a daily basis, but when they start insulting our children in that fashion i want nothing more than to find where that chicken **** sob lives at so i can beat the living crap out of him, seriously! Posts like that from unregistered users should not be allowed.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Scratch the bashing of the teamsters did not bother me i hear it on a daily basis, but when they start insulting our children in that fashion i want nothing more than to find where that chicken **** sob lives at so i can beat the living crap out of him, seriously! Posts like that from unregistered users should not be allowed.

I really didn't pay that much attention to the last line, I was more taken back by the rest of that post. He sounded like he was trying to make some joke at the end, but stuck "Teamster" at the end to get people riled up. Normally when someone thinks they are of a "superior intellect" to other people, they just make themselves look more stupid than who they are attacking. Some people get their jollies doing stuff like this, they will do it on the internet, but are too cowardly in real life to say things like this.