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Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
I think it'll all culminate in Trump pooping on the Oval Office desk at 11:59 AM on January 20th as he also lets out one last Twitter scream of "IT WAS RIGGED! I WON BY A LOT!" in his final moments as President.
I've noticed that when people ascribe some lunatic fantasy to someone else, they're actually revealing the inner workings of their own mind.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Considering the disaster he inherited and the determination of the Republicans in Congress to ensure he would fail, Obama's record is quite successful. For starters, after inheriting the Great Recession, the first year of which  saw larger declines than at the outset of the Great Depression in 1929-30, he signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. He also provided strong moral support for the Fed's Ben Bernanke, who had been President Bush’s nominee. He also restored the financial sector faster than expected and carried out a highly successful rescue of the car industry.
Yeah you are right he spent 8 years blaming all of his short comings on Bush. Smh.. That cool aide must be sweet.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I think it'll all culminate in Trump pooping on the Oval Office desk at 11:59 AM on January 20th as he also lets out one last Twitter scream of "IT WAS RIGGED! I WON BY A LOT!" in his final moments as President.
I think it is about time to move you from the 'Rational' list over to the 'TDS LibTurd' list. SMH

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I think it'll all culminate in Trump pooping on the Oval Office desk at 11:59 AM on January 20th as he also lets out one last Twitter scream of "IT WAS RIGGED! I WON BY A LOT!" in his final moments as President.
I think it is about time to move you from the 'Rational' list over to the 'TDS LibTurd' list. SMH
Thought you'd like that. ;)
I double-checked to make sure it wasn't Itsy ... sounded so much like her.


Well-Known Member
Democrats must have closed down the business he worked for.

The good news is thanks to the Trump administration multiple vaccines will have a quick distribution and the POS Democrats will have to find a new way to screw the working man.

Right now there are 259,000 working men and women who no longer need a job because they got screwed over by Dear Leader's failure to tell the American people the truth about the lethality of COVID or deal with it in the proactive manner the pandemic required.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Damn! This post was even more goofy and ignorant than your normal posts! SMH
Right now there are 259,000 working men and women who no longer need a job because they got screwed over by Dear Leader's failure to tell the American people the truth about the lethality of COVID or deal with it in the proactive manner the pandemic required.
Over 200,000 were killed by Democrat Governors like The Grim Reaper Cuomo.

And since 207,000 of the 259,000 that died are 65 years old and older, they were not looking for a job!


Well-Known Member
Right now there are 259,000 working men and women who no longer need a job because they got screwed over by Dear Leader's failure to tell the American people the truth about the lethality of COVID or deal with it in the proactive manner the pandemic required.

I idid not realize all those Cuomo nursing home victims listed poor communication as their cause of death.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Right now there are 259,000 working men and women who no longer need a job because they got screwed over by Dear Leader's failure to tell the American people the truth about the lethality of COVID or deal with it in the proactive manner the pandemic required.
Not to mention, even with people wearing mask it seems to move from person to person freely