Dumb decision



Monday we had a part-time SUP driving a a bulk cart, no certification of course and lets just say he had an accident which put him in the hospital for a minimum of five days. While he is in the hospital, the rest of us will be under the microscope from upper management and OSHA. Almost all of our supervisor drive the bulk carts without certification, and I have been tempted so many times but its not worth losing your job over.


What type of certification are u talking about you don't need a cdl

At my center, you have to take a safety test and receive a card stating your have completed everything and are certified to drive the bulk carts. I think its more for audits just to make sure that people driving the bulk carts know what they are doing, however, you can see how well that works


Gotcha, well I hope something is done about proper training of anyone using the irreg carts before someone is seriously hurt or killed.

As far as I know every hourly is trained how to use them properly. It's people like the pt sup that ignore safety procedures and use the carts anyways that make the rest of us look like idiots in front of our employees when we try to teach and encourage safety.


What type of certification are u talking about you don't need a cdl
Probably PITO training and certification, so you can proudly say you are a Powered Industrial Truck Operator, I'm guessing.

My building is a maze of supports for the conveyor belts, so there is no room for a bulk (irregulars) train to operate. We just use old-fashioned carts to wheel the bulk through the building. But we do have a fork truck, and I have to be PITO certified to operate it.

There's also Egress Compliance. A Bulk Train Operator can't leave his unit blocking a walkway or exit except under very limited cercumstances as specified in a Corporate-wide Settlement Agreement (CSA) with the Department of Labor.


Well-Known Member
In our building, that's a job done by hourlies.

Most p/t sups are not dumb enough to progress any work on a bulk cart. That's an obvious union target. He was either fooling around, setting up his bulk carts(because the hour-lies dont come in on time to do it themselves), retrieve his bulk cart(because the hourlies intentionally take them one at a time, when they can take them all- to extent thier time on the clock) or if the sup is looking for the bulk driver hourlies that disappear, abusing the sort(cigarette breaks in the yard, talking on phone etc)....

The penalty will simply depend on the paperwork. Was he trained, was he suppose to be trained but his boss failed to train, was certification faked, were there employees willing and able to do whatever he was doing, did the p/t exhaust his means, Does he have an injury history, was he specifically instructed to drive, why did the FT Sup permit an uncertified p/t sup to drive etc