Election 2016


Strength through joy
President Barack Obama has agreed to endorse a presidential campaign by Vice President Joe Biden if he is allowed to pick Biden’s running mate, author and journalist Ed Klein reports. …

Further, Obama wants Biden to choose a black running mate and commit to serving only one term, then throwing his own endorsement to his vice president, Klein writes on his Ed Klein Confidential blog.

Obama reportedly favors former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, one of Obama’s close allies.

“Obama has already given Biden carte blanche to use Air Force Two, the official vice presidential plane, to crisscross the country and launch an unofficial campaign,” Klein wrote.

Coupe Deval Patrick’s unfortunate election as Governor of Massachusetts was a prototype for the Obama campaign. Both were masterminded by the same leftist, David Axelrod.

Unless Democrats manage to lose despite industrial scale voter fraud and a growing demographic advantage, the same cabal will be in charge after the election that is in charge now.


golden ticket member
My relationship with God drives every major decision in my life. Each day I pray and then take time to read from the Bible and from a devotional named Jesus Calling.

As you can imagine, the months leading up to my announcement that I would run for President of the United States were filled with a lot of prayer and soul searching.

Here’s why: I needed to be certain that running was God’s calling -- not just man’s calling. I am certain: This is God’s plan for me and I am humbled to be a candidate for President of the United States.
- Scott Walker
But when you run out of money, you're screwed!! Also, when nobody wants you....buh bye!


Staff member
President Barack Obama has agreed to endorse a presidential campaign by Vice President Joe Biden if he is allowed to pick Biden’s running mate, author and journalist Ed Klein reports. …

Further, Obama wants Biden to choose a black running mate and commit to serving only one term, then throwing his own endorsement to his vice president, Klein writes on his Ed Klein Confidential blog.

Obama reportedly favors former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, one of Obama’s close allies.

“Obama has already given Biden carte blanche to use Air Force Two, the official vice presidential plane, to crisscross the country and launch an unofficial campaign,” Klein wrote.

Coupe Deval Patrick’s unfortunate election as Governor of Massachusetts was a prototype for the Obama campaign. Both were masterminded by the same leftist, David Axelrod.

Unless Democrats manage to lose despite industrial scale voter fraud and a growing demographic advantage, the same cabal will be in charge after the election that is in charge now.
Seems the author has no faith in the ability of republican governors to pass voter registration requirements and install rigged ballot machines in time for the election.


Well-Known Member
Some Teamsters today might find it unbelievable that the Teamster leadership endorsed Ronald Reagan too!
The difference is Reagon once belonged to a union (noone believed he would go against the unions), Walker was just Koch's puppet to try to end all unions in the US.


Well-Known Member
Seems the author has no faith in the ability of republican governors to pass voter registration requirements and install rigged ballot machines in time for the election.
Yeah, i love that last paragraph. A republican stating democrats fixing elections is like Fred S. stating he is pro-union...AND I am not talking about the Bush election either. Gotta love those new lines the Republicans in office drew on the maps.


Well-Known Member
Anyone that thinks any President can fundamentally change the ingrained interests that have ruled every country since forever is a fool.

Learning to exist within the existing system and appreciate incremental change is the best we can dream of, and it probably is a dream.
Go back and check history. The Roosevelts were in the same situation and fundamentally changed those interests. The problem is later presidents have overturned everything they fought for. Teddy was so disgusted after he left office after his 2nd term, he actually ran again, but not as a republican. Unfortunately he lost, so it had to wait on FDR to completely fix. And now we are back to 1900 again. Big business fighting to break all unions, the 1% only caring about their pockets and the stock market, wage stagnation for all non-union jobs, benefits decreasing, production up, etc. We need another Roosevelt type president, one who will stand up and say enough is enough.

I cannot understand why any pro-union person would vote for the current crop of Republicans. I am not anti-Republican, I am anti-current Republicans. There is not a single Republican nominee that is pro-union, including trump. I know, I know he says he has a great working relationship with unions...why are his ties made overseas. Would production cost be higher in the US? Yes. Would he still make substantial profits if produced in the US? YES. It is simply because he wants MORE.


golden ticket member


Staff member
Perhaps but then when you spell god as ego, perhaps that was the real voice that Walker heard.
It is said (and I do believe).that God has a.wonderful sense of humor. Incidentally, from that perspective, Job takes.on a completely different tone.


Well-Known Member
Why would you spend such enormous amounts of money for a job when compared pays so little? Why would so many give up far more lucrative private careers for such a low pay job? If being President is about service to and for the greater good, then why do people who are ex Presidents tend to be far wealthier than they were before entering the office? Why is it that only very politically connected people or the wealthy the only ones to win nominations and/or win the Presidency? Why do no common or ordinary folk never win the job? Is the status of wealth a pure measurement of intelligence and good ideas? If true and the wealthy in effect run this country, why is it so screwed up and on many measures getting worse? If the wealthy are the job creators as we are told and by any matrix, the wealth of the wealthy class has grown measurably while the economy has for most has shrank or even collapsed, where are all the jobs?

If the wealthy abhor big gov't as we are often told, then why during the most expansive period of gov't power, the assets of the wealthy exploded? Why during the last 30 to 40 years with the cries and claims for smaller gov't has gov't actually exploded and the amount of wealth shifted upwards to be concentrated into the hands of a wealthy ruling class? If the claim that gov't controls the ability of the wealthy to abuse the common man, then how with all this gov't growth has the common man found himself in such dire conditions while the wealthy enjoy very good conditions?

Why at the same time has massive amounts of taxpayer dollars and taxpayer liable debt has been created and given to this plutocratic class to prop them up while the common folk are left to flounder? If one follows the food stamp dollar and at the end of its journey its rest is in the bank account of a well connected Corporation and that Corporation has a huge lobbyist footprint spreading campaign dollars to these type people in the meme, is it really the poor who are the real welfare abusers? Are the plutocrats the creators of the poor in the first place so they have an excuse to profit from it? Are the poor really little more than a strawman and red herring to keep the rest of us from looking and thinking?

Having wealth in and of itself does not make a person bad but seems to me a whole lot of wealthy people go a long way to pay for and create a bad gov't that makes for a bad life for so many of the rest of us. So next time you hear someone extol the virtues of the very rich as being job creators and doing so much good in society, dare to push yourself to observe, think and ask questions. Challenge assertions to see if they are true and dare yourself to face the contradictions you begin to see as you dare to question. And same is true of those who claim the gov't is there to protect us from the abuse of this wealthy and oligarchic class.

It's been said that the greatest job creators is not the big boys but the small business and small entrepreneurs who are the biggest job creators and the bulk of them are ordinary folk much like us, who live around and among us, socialize with us, go to church with us, among us day in and day out. I'm not for taxing the rich because they pay no taxes in the first place as they can embed those costs in the goods and services they sell and then guess who pays those? I'd suggest the claim of who doesn't pay taxes in this country has been turned upside down and then sold to you by marketing experts. We say the poor don't pay taxes, putting aside where they got the money for the moment, if they purchase the first product in any store, it may be that they paid more in taxes for the product they bought than it cost to actually make the product itself. If that's true, who is really creating poverty in this country? Who benefits from such conditions?

Do we dare ask the questions that we should but out of fear refuse to face?


Well-Known Member

Let a whole laundry list of gov't agencies or gov't programs mismanage their finances this bad and imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth from a certain political party or ideology narrative and rightfully so. But because it's a certain sacrosanct function of gov't, often extolled under the cover of the label hero, not a peep. Amazing what good marketing will do. Ironically little is said by the other narrative/ideology as well so that should speak volumes too.