Election 2016



The NY Post is calling for massive "faithless electors" to give hillary the win.

I googled " New York post and faithless electors " and only found an article talking about the possibility of faithless electors flipping their votes towards Hillary. The article did not call for such a scenario. The Post may be many things but it is definitely not Pro-Hillary.


the biggest problem is how the media covers the candidates which means it gave all the coverage to trump because he was profitable for them, and clinton because they rigged it for her.

in france they have equal air time laws. btw, the airwaves in america are given away for free to teh corporations. its valued at roughly $1 trillion.

the other big problem is debates which are controlled by the 2 party tyranny. gary johnson and jill stein certainly should have been able to debate.


democrats pushed hillary the weak candidate to the front.


Well-Known Member
Lowest voter turnout in twenty years.

Of all the things concerning this election, this is the most positive. A short term view won't see it that way but a LONG term view is another matter. I'm not opposed to revolution as such comes in a variety of forms but the first step towards those ends are withdrawal from propping up the status quo and a growing percentage of those non voters, not arguing a majority of them, are just such people.

On another note, if people are worried about the wrong person being elected President, doesn't that kinda mean the President, any President, has to much power in the first place?


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Latino leader attacks Clinton campaign for taking Hispanic vote for granted

Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign made critical errors in its handling of Latino voters, giving them the impression they were being patronized and taken for granted in a way that depressed turnout and could have cost her the White House, a prominent leader of the Hispanic business community has charged.

While he defended the former US secretary of state herself as being an excellent candidate, he accused her senior advisers of giving poor advice about how best to woo his community, leading in his view to the disaster of election night in which national exit polls suggested Donald Trump secured 29% of the Hispanic vote.


Well-Known Member
Latino leader attacks Clinton campaign for taking Hispanic vote for granted

Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign made critical errors in its handling of Latino voters, giving them the impression they were being patronized and taken for granted in a way that depressed turnout and could have cost her the White House, a prominent leader of the Hispanic business community has charged.

While he defended the former US secretary of state herself as being an excellent candidate, he accused her senior advisers of giving poor advice about how best to woo his community, leading in his view to the disaster of election night in which national exit polls suggested Donald Trump secured 29% of the Hispanic vote.
29% ? BS


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member

Since you won't accept the Guardian I assume the N.Y Times is more your speed.

Here's what happened to the Latino vote.

The national exit polls show that Mrs. Clinton drew 65% of the Latino vote compared with 29% for Mr. Trump. That is a landslide by any measure, and it is about the same margin in the exit polls for 2008 (67% vs. 31%). The disappointment sets in when you compare the outcome to 2012. President Barack Obama took 71% of the Latino vote in the exit polls that year compared with 27% for Mitt Romney.

I suppose you don't believe that Trump is now the President elect either.

Good luck with your protesting in Oakland or Los Angeles today, don't get violent and try making some new friends for support... eventually you will come back to reality.


Well-Known Member
Since you won't accept the Guardian I assume the N.Y Times is more your speed.

Here's what happened to the Latino vote.

The national exit polls show that Mrs. Clinton drew 65% of the Latino vote compared with 29% for Mr. Trump. That is a landslide by any measure, and it is about the same margin in the exit polls for 2008 (67% vs. 31%). The disappointment sets in when you compare the outcome to 2012. President Barack Obama took 71% of the Latino vote in the exit polls that year compared with 27% for Mitt Romney.

I suppose you don't believe that Trump is now the President elect either.

Good luck with your protesting in Oakland or Los Angeles today, don't get violent and try making some new friends for support... eventually you will come back to reality.
I think 18% is more realistic.
In record numbers, Latinos voted overwhelmingly against Trump. We did the research.
What can we learn about the 2016 election from the Latino Decisions Election Eve Poll (about which more below)? Two things stand out. On Nov. 8, Latino turnout was up significantly compared with 2012. And Latinos gave a substantial share of their votes — we estimate 79 percent — to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Related: Five key lessons from Donald Trump’s surprising victory

That’s what we know from our poll, combined with some of our pre-election surveys. The national exit surveys’ deeply flawed methodology distorts the Latino vote. Even the exits, however, find that the Latino electorate gave a supermajority of its vote to Clinton. Figuring in the increase in Latino voters, Donald Trump received only 18 percent of the Latino vote, the lowest level on record for any presidential candidate.


Inordinately Right
Since you won't accept the Guardian I assume the N.Y Times is more your speed.

Here's what happened to the Latino vote.

The national exit polls show that Mrs. Clinton drew 65% of the Latino vote compared with 29% for Mr. Trump. That is a landslide by any measure, and it is about the same margin in the exit polls for 2008 (67% vs. 31%). The disappointment sets in when you compare the outcome to 2012. President Barack Obama took 71% of the Latino vote in the exit polls that year compared with 27% for Mitt Romney.

I suppose you don't believe that Trump is now the President elect either.

Good luck with your protesting in Oakland or Los Angeles today, don't get violent and try making some new friends for support... eventually you will come back to reality.
Polls haven't been having a good year.
I find 29% hard to believe but this whole election has been so bizarre I wouldn't really be surprised at this point.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Bernie stabbed his supporters in the back by supporting a flawed candidate.

I liked Bernie and his grassroots effort and honesty... Too bad he sold out.