employee hotline number


Telling it like it is
^ Good story but you must have done something wrong yourself that you are not disclosing. If you call that number you better be clean and telling the whole truth because they investigate both sides.


^ Good story but you must have done something wrong yourself that you are not disclosing. If you call that number you better be clean and telling the whole truth because they investigate both sides.

Who says they investigate both sides? Who governs the investigation? What if the call was about HR? An HR buddy? Example. Call goes in to UPS paid outside group, not the government, infact these people won't even give the documented call to anyone but UPS, what does thay say. They simply take notes and forward to whom... UPS Corporate Comp. and HR. What does HR do? We'll if the parties being charged are their buddies, which most likely it is, they call them up and give them the details. The misconception is the government is the 800# or someone else will protect you. Truth is, HR does not look out of the employees, as we all should be called now at UPS(the term partners has left the organization), but for the greater good of the company. And the simple truth is, it is much easier for UPS to go after the charging party, get rid of them and then see if they can survive and fight back. Saying I must have been dirty is just not a "voice of reason", that is a voice of denial. The company would never do this to me? Ask yourself the question, if you knew something that would destroy the careers of managers, ruin their marriages and give the company a black eye, whom would the company protect first. Yeah they might get slapped on the wrist, but no after the charging party was dealt with. If they go down, the company will feel the pain. However, go after the charging party and the game totally changes. Now it becomes a fight not only to prove the original charge but to sacrifice a career and maybe lifestyle to prove the truth. Only stupid people think that nothing will ever happen to them. I'm not trying to prove my case on this forum, that will be done in court. I got in on this hotline discussion to inform you, don't call the hotline without first preparing yourself. Document, record meetings, do whatever it takes to gather and protect your information. Once you call, the company will move quickly. Don't think they will interview all parties! Who says they have to? The government? Guess what, the government only steps in after your termination. So count them out to be on yourside. A Lawyer? Once you hire one you are cut free for bringing in outside help. See, you can stand there and say I must not be disclosing everything, but think about all the things above. Simply put, make sure you have everything you need ready. Don't worry about my case, worry about the one you might be fighting in the future.


I`ve seen a few good drivers get fired simply because the center manager decided he didn`t like them.They have numerous ways of harassing you without actually breaking any rules.If indeed you were disliked for whatever reason,calling the 1-800 number would offer them no choice but to get rid of you.They will take thier chances in court,and you can bet,that even if you win,you will lose monitarily if you decide you want your job back.
This case is hard to call with such flimsy details,but you do sound like one pissed off upser .


Well-Known Member
I wish you well. I hope you bring them to their knees (in more ways than one).
Too many people have the "lollipop and butterfly kisses" approach to working here and, apparently, haven't seen what you and some other longtime employees have seen.
Of course, when the company goes on a witchhunt it is marketed as the other person's fault or blamed on the "disgruntled" employee. Would you expect anything else?
May God be with you.