End slavery to private equity


Well-Known Member
That money you have to pay on debt is what hurts you. If you were debt free you would easily have enough
True. I incurred quite a bit of debt with the heart attack. Was putting very small payments on it until February. I also bought a 1st Gen Toyota Tundra that ended up having a blown head gasket. Will be paying my dad for that until June '25. My next vehicle will be new if I buy one.


Well-Known Member
Especially with the interest rates right now
My dad paid off my credit cards and loaned me $5000 to buy the Toyota. Am paying him back $500 a month, no interest. Been doing that since August of last year. That's beyond the $450 I give him and my mother(they're divorced). You're right, the credit card debt was eating me alive.
My dad paid off my credit cards and loaned me $5000 to buy the Toyota. Am paying him back $500 a month, no interest. Been doing that since August of last year. That's beyond the $450 I give him and my mother(they're divorced). You're right, the credit card debt was eating me alive.
Hope you figure it out and have a little peace


nowhere special
It's ok man, I'll live. :)
not dead yet.gif


Well-Known Member
End the Federal Reserve bill introduced. Big money is controlling your lives. From wokism to corporate welfare, the money+government alliance isn't constitutional or American.
dont forget life was hard for workers before the federal reserve

ralph nader is critical of the fed.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
dont forget life was hard for workers before the federal reserve

ralph nader is critical of the fed.

Someone should post video of a debate between two very smart people who are making their best arguments for and against the Fed. Hearing only Fed good or Fed bad is boring.


Well-Known Member
Someone should post video of a debate between two very smart people who are making their best arguments for and against the Fed. Hearing only Fed good or Fed bad is boring.
i would just do michael hudson, richard wolff, ellen brown, michael hudson, galbraith, nader.


Well-Known Member