Ending DACA


golden ticket member
"When President Barack Obama launched Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program for DREAMers, he did so without the approval of Congress (which makes all laws in America) and relied on two provisions that allow the President to set priorities in enforcement (to make the best use of government resources and focus on what is important) and another one that gives prosecutors some discretion in enforcing the law (that is why some times prosecutors decide not to prosecute someone). The president pretty much has absolute power in this matter, though, legally, he can be penalized for it by Congress through impeachment. As soon as DACA was announced, the ICE agents who believed that they were being asked to not enforce US immigration laws challenged it in court. It seems, though, that the DACA program will be declared unconstitutional by Federal Judge Reed O’Connor because it violates American immigration laws."

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Where's the source with Obama saying it was unconstitutional? A bunch of pundits aren't as convincing as a court. You claimed Obama said it himself, I'm not seeing that source.


golden ticket member
President is abusing power and rewriting laws to his liking

Legal scholars testified that the administration’s actions are a “unilateral abridgement” of immigration laws. On “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” (DACA) specifically, Prof. Nicholas Rosenkranz of Georgetown University said the president directed DHS to act as if the DREAM Act had been enacted.

In reality, the president and his advisors are distorting the traditional use of prosecutorial discretion – typically used to give relief from enforcement on a case by case basis. Prof. Jonathan Turley of George Washington University wrote in his testimony on DACA: “While claimed to simply be an act of prosecutorial discretion, it constitutes a new and alternative immigration process for these individuals.”

President Obama’s abuse of prosecutorial discretion in immigration threatens the balance of power defined by our government’s framers and undercuts the past and future deliberative products of Congress. Turley puts it best: “If a president can claim sweeping discretion to suspend key federal laws, the entire legislative process becomes little more than a pretense.”


golden ticket member
Are you admitting you have no source for Obama claiming his own actions were unconstitutional? That's all I want, stop spreading lies.
The source was a video and sound bite.....I can't find it but I've heard it twice now. From his own mouth.

Also, immigration and naturalization is congress's job....Pres. O. overreached. Maybe he thought the 'O' stood for Oprah.


Nine Lives
No, you said it needs to be fixed. What needs to be fixed? If congress were were to pass a law exactly the same as DACA so you think Drumpf would sign it?
Fix it is to make it a law through the Constitutional process.
Don't try to be coy ... it makes you look ignorant.