Ending DACA


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Looks like we survived another terrible Trump decision due to his gross incompetence. The court didn’t find “cause Obama did it” as a compelling legally sound argument for ending DACA.
it means the court ruled on the administrative process, just has to be changed and resubmitted, it is not over yet, the merits of daca were not ruled on


Happy Verified UPSer
So Trump is ending DACA. A cruel statement that does nothing but harm. It harms the DACA recipients who won't be allowed to legally work here anymore. It harms the US economy by removing those workers and their production. It helps no one. He is a small petty man that instinctively opposes anything done by Obama. What a cruel loser.
very surprised the scotus ( bought and paid for ) stood up to him ( barely )


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It’s like he didn’t really care if DACA was repealed or not. Just needed something for the rally goers to applaud for.
it means the court took the pusillanimous way out, they basically said trump can issue any E.o on immigration he wants

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
it means the court ruled on the administrative process, just has to be changed and resubmitted, it is not over yet, the merits of daca were not ruled on
Everyone agreed DHS has the power to end DACA. They just need an actual justification. Trump and his cronies are just too bumbling to figure it out. Sam’s correct this is just something for Trump to cry about and get his base riled up.


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Everyone agreed DHS has the power to end DACA. They just need an actual justification. Trump and his cronies are just too bumbling to figure it out. Sam’s correct this is just something for Trump to cry about and get his base riled up.

it is a cop out, read the dissent by thomas, he basically called roberts a pusillanimous

El Correcto

god is dead
Everyone agreed DHS has the power to end DACA. They just need an actual justification. Trump and his cronies are just too bumbling to figure it out. Sam’s correct this is just something for Trump to cry about and get his base riled up.
So it was done by executive order, but can’t be undone by executive order.
Makes sense.. not really.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Looks like we survived another terrible Trump decision due to his gross incompetence. The court didn’t find “cause Obama did it” as a compelling legally sound argument for ending DACA.
Now Trump will be passing all kinds of EO's and the next President will not be able to overturn.

It's strange that makes you happy!

El Correcto

god is dead
I can be undone but it can’t just be “brown people get out!” written in crayon on a cocktail napkin. Trump’s not much of a detail guy.
Brown people come in written in crayola worked to set it up. I see now problem with it working both ways, in fact they should rule against allowing it to be set up in the first place.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
John Roberts was appointed by Bush Jr. SMH
A swamp dweller that thinks Washington has all the answers.
I think Roberts is trying to manage perceptions of the SCOTUS in the eyes of citizens.
He is trying to walk that fine line of political neutrality.
If you read the SCOTUS decision, it does not weigh in on DACA or the right of a President to reverse an EO by a previous President.

It basically says that the Trump DOJ did not make a good case for reversing but that Trump just said he was going to reverse Obama's EO because he could.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
I think Roberts is trying to manage perceptions of the SCOTUS in the eyes of citizens.
He is trying to walk that fine line of political neutrality.
If you read the SCOTUS decision, it does not weigh in on DACA or the right of a President to reverse an EO by a previous President.

It basically says that the Trump DOJ did not make a good case for reversing but that Trump just said he was going to reverse Obama's EO because he could.