Everyone get the jab.

Will you get the shot now that's required?

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Well-Known Member
Why didn’t they know? There were doctors saying from the beginning this fake vax made no sense and that it would cause heart problems along with other problems. These doctors was soon silenced. But at that point if anyone opened their eyes they could see the crap going on wasn’t making any sense. But they was to busy watching CNN and talking about Ivermectin being horse medicine and drink bleach. They sure knew about that.
$ spirit demanded sacrifice.


Well-Known Member
It doesn’t piss me off that sheep was fooled into taking the fake vax but it does piss me off that many of these made fun of people that didn’t take it and called them anti-vaxers while wanting non sheep to not be treated at hospitals, shunned from society and even locked up. It was an experiment to see how far and how many they could push into something that made no sense at all. The results of that experiment is truly scary.
Clowns never broke me. I’m an alpha not a sheep. There’s one thread on this site that the clowns and roaches stay away from…..TWITTER FILES.