Explain PAS


Well-Known Member
FrayedMind said:
Well I've been a SPA guy since 2004(I'm the only one left from the initial group). I don't load package cars or do the data acq part, but I can say that it makes the training of the Primary sorters much easier, they just need to know how to read and be able to match the color on the label with the color on the belt.

Out of all of the SPA guys in the aisle right now I was the only one who received actual training in it, now the new guys are just handed the gun and told, "Scan that bar code, stick the label", and they don't do the job so well.

As for the wrong labels on the packages, it happens. I personally don't get many(maybe 1-2 a month) many of the newer guys seem to get them alot. Especially when they're just starting out(One guy had 56 in one day during his first week!!)

I try to help them out as much as possible, but I can't watch them constantly, I have my own job to do.

Another thing is the packages that weren't delivered because of bad barcodes. We get them back in the local truck during the preload, and they have to be reSPA'ed, sometimes the old labels aren't crossed out, sometime the barcode is messed up and data acq isn't smart enough to put a new one on, sometimes they're NIB that have been floating around for weeks.

Sorry for the rant from a SPA guy's perspective.

Basically what needs to happen is to FULLY train everyone involved in the PAS, make sure data acq, and SPA guys know how to do their job and do it properly.
Can you guys stop putting the labels over the barcode PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. Thank you


Staff member
"Can you guys stop putting the labels over the barcode PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD."


Ditto that!

Frayed Mind

Well my policy for label placement is this, put it on the brown of the box, but same surface as the shipping label. Others however, rarely put them anywhere near the initial label, they'll put them on the complete opposite side!

I get packages from other buildings with them over the barcodes. If the label is over the barcode horizontally, and you can see at least the top or bottom part of the lines, you can still scan it. If it's vertically covering up a whole line, that's where my fingernail comes in handy.

disneyworld said:
Can you guys stop putting the labels over the barcode PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. Thank you


From the promised LAND
Maybe this will help.

Envision a self checkout area in a store. No people to pay to take your money from the customer, every possibility has been thought out to keep fraud nil, nothing but great money makers and savers for the company.

That is the way they were sold. But in reality, it takes two employees for each one of these that are in operation. People would rather stand in line than to listen to the computer tell them "please put the item in the bag" when you already did, which then locks down the system until the girl unlocking the next register gets to yours.

While, like the registers, they have great promise, the whole system falls short of the promise. In the case of PAS in most places, it has been the arrogance of the implementors that kept them from getting any real driver input to make the system run more smoothly. Much like many other things UPS has done in the past. Force it down our throats, then try the carrot approach afterward.



Well-Known Member
california said:
I got 16 hours of overtime last week because of PAS and I literally did not see one of my kids for three days! Mileage is up 8-10 miles on my route following the new "trace." I don't mind overtime but when it's Christmas in June, that's just crazy!!!
Everheard of nine five language in your contract? I am a driver with 26 years and finally had to use said language to get reduced hours. Am getting home earlier now, have much better home life,eat dinner before 800 pm and created another driving job for a part-timer


Had a laugh today. The guy putting the PAL labels on the packages in the unload, scanned the package then put the PAL label on the following package. I had 5 "missorts" in my truck with correct PAL labels for my truck, but the boxes belonged someplace else.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
California said:
Had a laugh today. The guy putting the PAL labels on the packages in the unload, scanned the package then put the PAL label on the following package. I had 5 "missorts" in my truck with correct PAL labels for my truck, but the boxes belonged someplace else.

That sounds like a typical day where I work.
Keep Asking questions....Does anyone feel like they have stepped in to seperate reality. I always thought it was my responsibility to make UPS a great place to be, you know lately it's a complete new culture I truly fear the Legacy that was "passed" onto us by the first generation ie 1907-2007 will never truly know what it really meant to say and tell people Yeah I work for UPS and actually feel good when you said it remember that feeling??? Well then came PAS,Center of the future, etc. etc. BM promoted thru the who you know not what you know rule, FT On Car Sups 1 poor SAPP who thinks wow I made it now I can make a difference. WRONG now you can be a part of the Dark Side welcome to the FAKE it till you make how long do you think I can get away with this until the jig is up, they found me out I really am full of smileT, I talk a good game, but wait a minute you want me to walk the walk. How Rude? Help me OBI Brownbloods you fellow boots on the ground you must stand up and say enuff is enuff, no more dog & pony show for me, the backpeddling stops here, I don't want your tshirt I just want you to explain to me how you expect me to continue to shove 10lbs of s*it in a 1 lb sack? NO MORE BS, just loosen up the tie around your neck because it's cutting off the brain circulation and I believe you have no Oxygen thus all Brain cells are dead.


Well-Known Member
OK, what happened today to set you off? Yeah, I agree with you on alot of what you wrote. I think sometimes it is up to the drivers to provide the service that we thought UPS was all about.
Nothing in particular today , the sun was shining and I got up went to work and put my best foot forward and did the little self talk thing:what one thing can I do today that will make my workplace better and I did it and my first impressions were wow that's a great idea, thanks for the info, and the input. However, later in the day somehow someones ego was bruised you know that territorial alpha male thing (no offense guys) but female UPSers and women in the workplace around the USA know what I mean, if it would have come from one of my male peers, they would still be patting each other on the back so to speak. Just looked around and thought UPS has been around longer than women have had the right to vote. Suffragate City you've come a long way baby: Reminded me of a Boss song One step forward...two steps back.. Or I hate to say it that FEDX commercial where a good idea is ignored and then repeated by a senior member with the hand gesture as if a revelation had just been brought down from the mountain top. lol :-) :-( :i