FBI Raids Mar-a-lago

Gotta Go



The obstruction is still what distinguishes Trump from Biden, because DOJ would most likely charge a Constitutional officer only with 18 USC 793(e), refusing to given classified documents back. Biden has made multiple efforts to give documents back: Trump has made multiple efforts to refuse to give documents back.

I'd be fuming if I was you. With this THIRD trove of classified documents and a "discreet" FBI raid of Mr. 10%'s Wilmington home, the Biden Family Syndicate has almost assured that Trump will not be indicted for the "nuclear secrets" and other things he had stashed in Melania's thong drawer.


Well-Known Member
So, you have nothing. Got it.
You aren't aware that Hillary was subpoenaed for the server and emails? That she and her aides deleted 33,000 of them? That's not speculation. She said they were personal in nature and no need for the Congressional committee to see them. Not her call to make. And she and her aides smashed the server and the cellphones and blackberries and laptops that she and her staff had sent emails through that server. She was asked by the press about how she wiped the server's hard drive with a program called Bleachbit to insure those 33,000 deleted emails couldn't be retrieved. And yet there were still top secret documents among the 30,000 she did turn over. Really, are you that unaware?


Heavily Moderated User, Loves Sailfish
You aren't aware that Hillary was subpoenaed for the server and emails? That she and her aides deleted 33,000 of them? That's not speculation. She said they were personal in nature and no need for the Congressional committee to see them. Not her call to make. And she and her aides smashed the server and the cellphones and blackberries and laptops that she and her staff had sent emails through that server. She was asked by the press about how she wiped the server's hard drive with a program called Bleachbit to insure those 33,000 deleted emails couldn't be retrieved. And yet there were still top secret documents among the 30,000 she did turn over. Really, are you that unaware?
Hillary Clinton was not subpoenaed, her email archive was, and no wrongdoing was found. The documents that were deemed to be TS or Classified were part of email chains, and had no markings on them.

Get over Hillary Clinton. She's not coming back, it reeks of desperation.



Well-Known Member
Hillary Clinton was not subpoenaed, her email archive was, and no wrongdoing was found. The documents that were deemed to be TS or Classified were part of email chains, and had no markings on them.

Get over Hillary Clinton. She's not coming back, it reeks of desperation.

I'm not worried about her coming back, I just find it reprehensible that she and Bill used her office and being the presumed next president to peddle influence and get filthy rich. Are you going to tell me that she and Bill weren't flying all over giving speeches for hundreds of thousands of dollars up to even $750k? You think there was no reason why she didn't turn over those 33,000 emails other than they were just personal and family related? It stretches corruption way beyond anything done before to my knowledge, and even the Bidens are amateurs in comparison. Comey clearly stated she violated statutes that for anyone else would've resulted in arrest and prison. It becomes understandable why people like her and Biden think they can be president when their supporters will cover for them no matter what they do.