Florida Republicans pass anti-union bill, reject Democrats’ attempts to soften its blow


Inordinately Right
Next you radicals will be burning Bibles because you believe it is pornographic.
You're upset books graphically encouraging kids to engage in anal sex are banned in Florida elementary schools. And you're comparing those books to the Bible.

When does it end? The final solution and the crematoriums?
So you think people who oppose pedophilia are all Nazis. Yikes, you're nuts buddy.


Well-Known Member

Conservative propaganda hitting mailboxes near you.


Well-Known Member
Like you’ve been told, I’m going to guess the Republicans in Florida feel it is unfair for the taxpayer to have to cover the cost of hiring another person or persons to deduct and manage, sending dues to a union hall. Apparently they feel any costs should be absorbed by the union or the members. I can tell you from experience the cost is minimal as in about three or four dollars per person per month. And that’s only if they use a credit card or bank card with a Visa or MasterCard logo if they pay cash or check there’s no costs because the dues clerk already is being paid anyway.

So far the taxpayers in Florida have paid millions to take card check away from the Teamsters. Millions. How is that fair?


Well-Known Member

LMAO indeed

Shawn Fain is trying to right the ship.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
So far the taxpayers in Florida have paid millions to take card check away from the Teamsters. Millions. How is that fair?
How much did the Florida taxpayers pay for DeSantis to send a private jet to Texas and pick up some illegal migrants off the street and fly them to Massachusetts?


Inordinately Right
So why did Florida taxpayers pay for private jets to fly illegal migrants from Texas to Martha's Vineyards?
There are threads about immigration in the current events forum. This is about union issues.

So why did the teacher's union sue the state of Florida to overturn a law banning pornography in elementary schools? Why do you defend that sick crap?

People like you give all union members a bad name. Shame on you.