Footwear Opinions


Well-Known Member
Whatever you buy, try not to skimp too much. Be sure they fit comfortably the first time you put them on. I tried on about a dozen pairs of different boots/shoes and went with Rockport work boots.

El Morado Diablo

Well-Known Member
That's how it USED to be at my station. Now though, I see people with all kinds of colors on their black shoes. Kind of funny to see how far they will go. My SM is a wuss though.

Our district has flunked more audits than they've passed and some SM's have been sent packing. The rest of them are so paranoid that they aren't taking chances on ANY audit item. I've told them more than once that our socks and footwear should be supplied by the company if it's that important.


double tap o da horn dooshbag
get gel insoles. i dunno how those little silicone type insoles work, but they actually keep my feet feeling fine, even in cheapo walmart summer shoes/sneaks


double tap o da horn dooshbag
Soc I had the same pair of gel insoles for over 5 years now

What kinda insoles you're buying???


double tap o da horn dooshbag
IDK, i got it from one of those older stores that has long gone now... maybe try Dr Scholls?