FT Sup won't approve Optional Days


Well-Known Member
I our area they must let you know 7 days in advance if approved or denied. No notice you get the day off.:sick:

It is the same here. Request 8 days in advance, answered 7 days in advance or you get the day.

Also, if you are the senior person asking for the day, you get it off no matter the staffing!


Power play is probably in your contract. In my region you put the request in at least 8 days in advance and you get your answer 7 days in advance. I've never seen someone required to approve them three weeks ahead of time?

Interesting. SO if you ask 3 months in advance for ex, the sup only has to notify you 7 days beforehand?

Here in NE it is 7+ days notice and the employer has 24 hours notice to approve or deny, regardless of when or how far out it was requested.


Interesting. SO if you ask 3 months in advance for ex, the sup only has to notify you 7 days beforehand?

Here in NE it is 7+ days notice and the employer has 24 hours notice to approve or deny, regardless of when or how far out it was requested.


First come first serve
then by seniority?


No It's not green grocer!
Interesting. SO if you ask 3 months in advance for ex, the sup only has to notify you 7 days beforehand?

Here in NE it is 7+ days notice and the employer has 24 hours notice to approve or deny, regardless of when or how far out it was requested.

So what happens if you put in for it a month ahead, you are aproved and then 2 weeks later 10 guys with more seniority put in for the same day?

In the Central you put in for it 8 days in advance, the person with the most seniority gets it. Company has 24 hours to respond!


Here we can fill out an optional request form and it must be 3 weeks advance notice,,,they have a week to approve or dissapprove it...
Just call in sick an hour before your start time...DO NOT just not call at all
Enjoy the wedding...


promoted to mediocrity
While this is too late for the OP, for others who find themselves in this situation:
Try to request optional day off in advance. If denied, just call in. Tell them you won't be in, thanks, goodbye.
Do not claim illness if you are not ill, that would be dishonest-a cardinal infraction.
Things (like this wedding) come up. It's important you normally come to work every day, on time. So if something does come up, the consequences won't be too dire.


Für Meno :)
No matter what you do, some centers are really ignorant regarding optional days.
in my 15 mths, I requested 1, 3 weeks in advance, never got it.
I called in my first single day after 13 mths.
Never got paid for that either.
And to really piss me off :
We had a stat hoilday (family Day). Thats not covered in the contract (so all of us had to take optionals for that day).
The whole center, drivers etc got an optional paid, only I didn't !

Thought, ok, I'll just get the pay out at the end of the year.... ofcourse that never happend.

I guess my sup did have something all along against me.:dissapointed:



First come first serve
then by seniority?

I am not certain the whole seniority thing. If you request a day, say August 25th right now, I dont believe seniority plays into it. If staffing is OK and no one else has the day, it is yours. No one can bump you out of it by seniority. The more senior person loses.
Well I took some advice and talked to a shop steward yesterday right before the sort and later my old ft sup(the really nice one) came up to me while I was working and told me he talked to the steward and saw my op request form on the board. He told me it said July 20th as the date I turned it in and told me that he was approving it for me and to go ahead and take the day. :happy-very:HA-HA! I then saw him after that talking to the hub manager.
I think my current FT sup is either VERY forgetful or just an @$$. Ive actually heard that another guy on the sort aisle tried to file a grievance against him for working, like unloading a truck or something. He got called into his office and came back to the work area said that he told him that if he didn't drop the grievance then he will lose his job. So he dropped it I guess. I think he was trying to scare him into dropping it to save his own butt! I personally would have asked him if he was threatening my job and told him to get a shop steward in here. He can't do that can he?


From the promised LAND

Say on the 25th you are requesting a PH, and you put in the request today. They have to give you a yes or no 5 days prior to that.

I also want that day. I have more seniority than you. I also request that day, but on the 18th. Because I have seniority, I get the day if there is only one slot available. If there are two slots, then we both get the day.

If you put in the request today for the 25th, and on the 20th, they approve your PH. I go up to them on the 21st and ask for the 25th. If there is only one day available, you get it. If there are more, we both can have it.

So while seniority counts, it only does so if we both apply for the PH before hand. After they approve your PH, seniority only plays a role if there is more than one PH slot available.

In our center for the drivers there is supposed to be at least 6 available each day.




Say on the 25th you are requesting a PH, and you put in the request today. They have to give you a yes or no 5 days prior to that.

I also want that day. I have more seniority than you. I also request that day, but on the 18th. Because I have seniority, I get the day if there is only one slot available. If there are two slots, then we both get the day.

If you put in the request today for the 25th, and on the 20th, they approve your PH. I go up to them on the 21st and ask for the 25th. If there is only one day available, you get it. If there are more, we both can have it.

So while seniority counts, it only does so if we both apply for the PH before hand. After they approve your PH, seniority only plays a role if there is more than one PH slot available.

In our center for the drivers there is supposed to be at least 6 available each day.


I'm confused by all of that :knockedout: It's late though.

Here, if there is one slot for a PH, and a lower seniority person requests it well in advance, someone else higher seniority cannot come in and bump them even if it is weeks in advance. That is all I was saying, hopefully you understand. Maybe it is different in other areas.

Again our supplement says management has 24 hours to approve or deny! So it is highly unlikely in that 24 hours someone with higher seniority can come in and say no way Jose, the day is mine! But if that were to happen by chance (or by a jerk move :D, I guess the higher seniority person would get the day.