Ft working Saturdays

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
If a person that signed the list does a no call no show in my they aren't allowed to sign the list again for a year.

Also is they need more drivers they need to call the people that singed the list but did get picked first and in order of seniority...
If they don' t like how you sing the list, you don't get to work?


Well-Known Member
Yes but they don't run---they walk at a brisk pace.
Not on Saturday we don't. We drive at exactly the speed limit. Stop the truck, slowly rise, open bulkhead door and grab package at opposite corners(checking for shifting weight). Pivot and exit the truck slowly as to not injure knees stepping out. Slowly walk to the house, using designated walk path...regardless of how far away we parked. Then slowly walk back to the truck. Gotta make 20 stops last till noon