Just a little personal history here on seasonal hire. I was one of first p/c drivers to be hired for season in center on 9/20. Was explicitly told that it WAS seasonal but if I did a good job and they needed help after season that I could be one of first called back-no guarantees tho. Well, you all know the rest-I ran my a** off for the next few months, the center being the busiest it had ever been. There was a chance I could stay on!!!! They needed me!!! It DID come down to one day, ONE DAY. I would have gained my seniority before free period. Ironically, business was off for that day and I was laid off! Go figger!! Ran the rest of the time-with no benefits, no holiday pay, no promises, no nuttin. Come wk after free period and I WAS laid off, which I expected. Next day I was back with seniority, benefits, progression in progress, etc.
That was 28 yrs ago this week that I was originally hired. Can same be true today? Don't know. Just giving you my experience. Run with it if you can.