Future Speculation

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Did North Korea have nukes in 1970?

Nope. We did. I'm trying to give them reason to be proud. What they accomplished probably puts them at 1960 in terms of where we were, but I'm a generous sort and and gonna give them an extra decade so they'll fell better about themselves.


Well-Known Member
Do we need one staging self adulation rallies, behaving like a spoiled brat on twitter, and acting like a wannabe Putin? Like you said, choose wisely.

And what did a trans ever do to you and how does gay marriage even affect you?
If the media went cold turkey and stopped freaking out over things they see as Cardinal sins things would change overnight. It's really all just a sh@t show to conjure up ratings. Trans and gays never did anything to me or you. But the government would spend any amount to make sure your aware men participate in sodomy. How come they don't feel as strongly to take care of larger issues that affect greater amounts of the population?


Staff member
If the media went cold turkey and stopped freaking out over things they see as Cardinal sins things would change overnight. It's really all just a sh@t show to conjure up ratings. Trans and gays never did anything to me or you. But the government would spend any amount to make sure your aware men participate in sodomy. How come they don't feel as strongly to take care of larger issues that affect greater amounts of the population?
Isn't it more striking that the government in 2017 even cares that people take it in the rear?


Well-Known Member
Trans and gays never did anything to me or you. But the government would spend any amount to make sure your aware men participate in sodomy.
I find that most " religious " people that are consumed by what others do in the bedroom are often the same ones who fantasize about doing it. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
I find that most " religious " people that are consumed by what others do in the bedroom are often the same ones who fantasize about doing it. What do you think?
You've surveyed "most" religious people? Or is it really you despise religion and look for any excuse to denigrate it?


Well-Known Member
We're all weak humans. One does not reach perfection when he becomes a Christian, he just commits to trying to live the Christian life. A life worth living if you try hard enough.

Oh, I don't know; the Ten Commandments are certainly sensible enough, but why would God care if a dude smokes cock, or a chick likes to munch on another chick's box? It doesn't really make much sense to me. I read, like, 90 percent of the Bible sometime back and I don't recall why these actions are considered the path to hell.


Well-Known Member
Oh, I don't know; the Ten Commandments are certainly sensible enough, but why would God care if a dude smokes cock, or a chick likes to munch on another chick's box? It doesn't really make much sense to me. I read, like, 90 percent of the Bible sometime back and I don't recall why these actions are considered the path to hell.
Ask the Apostle Paul.


Well-Known Member
Your heart is so full of malice that there's no reason to discuss anything with you.

Your "malice meter" may be off a little bit in this case. Actually, in all cases; you seem to have some sort of victimhood thing going on. Actually, I have never seen such a case in a grown man - many times in teenage girls, but NEVER in a grown man. You should be proud of such an extraordinarily achievement!