Gay Rights

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
"And why not accept them as normal people. They are normal people. They're just attracted to the same sex."

Then pedophiles are normal people too. They're just attracted to children.

Same thing. Same mental disorder.

And what about thieves? They must be normal too right? I mean hey...they like owning things too except they just don't want to pay for any of it.


This is getting fun! Over9 states he is not religious,he
loves guns,hates gays,and has the gall to insinuate that immaculate conception is and always has been impossible.:ohmy:
I on the other hand believe in the truth,and thats scattered through
all the religions.The truth being the way things are before you decide
to have an opinion on it.
I hate guns, I believe since time began some people have desired to associate with people of the same sex.
I think its what's in your heart that counts.


You smell that?
Comparing a homosexual to a pedophile and a thief is stupid.

A pedophile and a thief have victims that are hurt by their actions. The only thing hurt by someone being homosexual is some of y'alls petty little feelings. Get over yourselves.


Well-Known Member
Blue Efficacy,

You make some valid points and I would hate to see you discredited.

I know you are trying to make a point but you do need to be aware that the majority of married folks out here strongly believe that marriage is a sacrament or a divine covenant between God and the participants. Marriage is also a civil union or contract, and the two do not necessarily go hand in hand here in this country. However....most folks probably feel more strongly about the former than the latter, myself included.

Also - no matter how you feel about religion, it is a very personal thing and I feel comfortable in saying that there are billions of people that believe in the divine impregnation of the Virgin Mary. Please tread lightly and carry respect for people and their beliefs. They do not think of this as a silly belief! I remember some one from another religion once telling me that I worshiped statues and believed in things that were devil worship.
:w00t: the look on my face must have been one for the books! I lost respect for this person because of the assumptions he made based on the ignorance he has and preconcieved notions of a religion that he obviously does not understand.

I for one respect your beliefs and have found you to be a breath of fresh air on this thread. Your understanding of other's feelings has given me hope that maybe someday we will all find some common ground. Marriage SHOULD be a sacred thing. My parents took it as such and have honored it for 56 years.
Too many do not though. I see it on a daily basis at work. Seems the highlight of the day of many of the men at work is some new one they met on thier run. The wife and 3 kids at home are never mentioned. Makes me wonder if the sanctity of marriage is really that big of a deal to many that have the right to do so.


Staff member
"and has the gall to insinuate that immaculate conception is and always has been impossible."

I didn't say that. Blue Efficacy said that.

"hates gays"

I never said I hate anyone. I don't hate gays. I DO, however, hate what their movement is doing to America.

"loves guns"

Without a doubt! That's what keeps us free.


Staff member
"Comparing a homosexual to a pedophile and a thief is stupid."

Hmmm, seems like your feelings were hurt. Can we please stop with the name calling? I was comparing the mental disorders that they share, NOT the end result of the disorder.

"The only thing hurt by someone being homosexual is some of y'alls petty little feelings."

I would agree that two men having sex with each other hurts no one else, but when thousands of them start stuffing it in your face, demanding rights, etc, THEN it starts to degrade the moral fabric of the country. Keep it in the closet where it belongs!

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
"Comparing a homosexual to a pedophile and a thief is stupid."

Hmmm, seems like your feelings were hurt. Can we please stop with the name calling? I was comparing the mental disorders that they share, NOT the end result of the disorder.

"The only thing hurt by someone being homosexual is some of y'alls petty little feelings."

I would agree that two men having sex with each other hurts no one else, but when thousands of them start stuffing it in your face, demanding rights, etc, THEN it starts to degrade the moral fabric of the country. Keep it in the closet where it belongs!

I couldn' agree more. Morality is slipping away in America. Rome fell because of it. Are we next? There is nothing more evident of a country losing it's morals when gay pride parades are the norm and Christmas parades bring law suits. It's ok for the local governments to allow these gay parades march through town so the general public can see Steve and Andy prance around shirtless with shorts that are too tight while they make out like there is no tomorrow but it's taboo to display a Crucifix or Nativity Scene in a public square. Poor Jesus. He died for our sins and this is how we repay him?
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freight relocation guru
anytime you disagree with these modern day"progressives" whom are nothing more than marxists,and communists,you will be labled"intolerant,"bigot",hater, why should my tax dollars go to teach (indoctrinate),young children that a perverted lifestyle is "normal"????


You smell that?
Hmmm, seems like your feelings were hurt. Can we please stop with the name calling? I was comparing the mental disorders that they share, NOT the end result of the disorder.

Nope, didn't hurt my feelings. I was just stating the truth. You are the one that compared a homosexual to a pedophile. How about you stop your anti-gay smear campaign?

There is nothing more evident of a country losing it's morals when gay pride parades are the norm and Christmas parades bring law suits.

Which Christmas parade was a lawsuit brought against?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Which Christmas parade was a lawsuit brought against?

And let's not forget the hundreds, or maybe thousands, of incidents we've been hearing about over the past 5 or so years about the banning of Christmas decorations, icons, or even just saying the word Christmas. But it's ok to have a parade of gays march through the streets with their vulgar displays? And it's ok to teach homosexuality to kids that were still in diapers only a few years before but not about Christmas? I don't care who you are. That is hypocricy at it's best. Not to mention very strange. I mean come on....gays are allowed to display their lifestyle in public but Christians can't publicly celebrate Christmas???!!!


You smell that?
First, that wasn't a Christmas parade. Second, no lawsuit. You said Christmas parades bring lawsuits. That link says no such thing.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
First, that wasn't a Christmas parade. Second, no lawsuit. You said Christmas parades bring lawsuits. That link says no such thing.

Whas it not a parade? Well, you SHOULD have got the point. They wouldn't allow a Christmas theme but allowed homosexual Indians. So you see... Christmas gets attacked while homosexuals are displayed at ease. Do you just enjoy arguing with people or what? Silly liberal.


Go big orange
Only in the state of NJ? Or does NJ now force us to do the same in every state?

how do we monitor domestic relationship that are not bound by marriage. When did the relationship start when did it end? No marriage license no divorce papers.

What if NJ now wants us to recognize beastial relationships do we now abide by that law in that one state also.
Next you'll have those who believe in incest, bestiality, pedophilia and polygamy wanting to be recognized and accepted. It's all down right sick and twisted if you ask me:nono:


Staff member
"What about Necrophiliacs? They are "normal" too right?"

Yes they are! And like homosexuals, their 'activities' hurt no-one else (seeing their partners are already dead).

They should have every right gay people have.


Go big orange
"What about Necrophiliacs? They are "normal" too right?"

Yes they are! And like homosexuals, their 'activities' hurt no-one else (seeing their partners are already dead).

They should have every right gay people have.
I wonder if they held a "Necro Pride" parade if refrigeration units would be required?:lol:


Well-Known Member
There's a lot in today’s world that make little or no sense to me, besides this current topic:

Condoms, but not Bibles or abstinence education, are handed out in schools.

Despite a bill that Bush quickly passed, Teri Schiavo was still starved to death.

If it’s hot, cold, or normal, it’s global warming,

Bush lied when he said Iraq had WMD, but people believe Clinton, Kerry, Ted Kennedy, the French, Germans, Russians, and the U.N.…

Where everyone believed Clarence Thomas' one and only accuser, Paula Jones, Juanita Broderick, Monica Lewinsky, Jennifer Flowers and Kathryn Willey lack credibility…..

Now here’s another new controversy.

For those involved in the raging debate that homosexuality may be genetically predestined, be careful what you wish for. The U. of Chicago was the last institution to study this topic a couple of years back and it came up with basic findings that still need further research. Now here's the thing. What if this could be proven and identified in utero? Would this change anybody’s mind on the status of abortion? People abort right now for too many reasons already; financial hardships, pressure from the parents, Downs syndrome, disruption to educations and careers. How many people would be quick to abort if their child was predisposed to be gay?


Well-Known Member
There's a lot in today’s world that make little or no sense to me, besides this current topic:

Condoms, but not Bibles or abstinence education, are handed out in schools.

Despite a bill that Bush quickly passed, Teri Schiavo was still starved to death.

If it’s hot, cold, or normal, it’s global warming,

Bush lied when he said Iraq had WMD, but people believe Clinton, Kerry, Ted Kennedy, the French, Germans, Russians, and the U.N.…

Where everyone believed Clarence Thomas' one and only accuser, Paula Jones, Juanita Broderick, Monica Lewinsky, Jennifer Flowers and Kathryn Willey lack credibility…..

Now here’s another new controversy.

For those involved in the raging debate that homosexuality may be genetically predestined, be careful what you wish for. The U. of Chicago was the last institution to study this topic a couple of years back and it came up with basic findings that still need further research. Now here's the thing. What if this could be proven and identified in utero? Would this change anybody’s mind on the status of abortion? People abort right now for too many reasons already; financial hardships, pressure from the parents, Downs syndrome, disruption to educations and careers. How many people would be quick to abort if their child was predisposed to be gay?

You bring up some interesting things to consider. In the case of Schiavo many believe she was already "dead" and CT scans showed severe atrophy of the brain. If you believe in an after life then it could be considered very cruel to keep the spirit trapped in a dead body (only kept alive by machines). I may be alone here but I supported them pulling the plug on Schiavo.

You abortion debate is something to think about. To those who support it then it would not matter the reason. I don't know if anyone would change from pro-life to pro-choice just to rid the world of future gays.

Since people don’t want sex education in schools kids won’t hear about abstinence there either. They will hear about sex education (misinformation) form their friends. They might believe that they can’t get pregnant on the first time or while standing up. They might believe that oral sex can’t give them STDs. There are a lot of things I heard as a teenager from other teens that were wrong. I am lucky I had a mom who explained things and I was able to ask questions in school.

I also had a wonderful anatomy & physiology teacher in high school who explained the myths to us. He also used the bible in his teachings and he said that even though the school district would have a fit he did it anyway. He had us watch The Miracle of Life and that was a great video. Had the girl sitting next to me seen that video a few years earlier she may not have gotten pregnant on her first time. Her parents didn’t believe in the school teaching sex education (they had taught her that she couldn’t get pregnant until she was married) so she learned it from a guy on the football team.

I believe the more educated we are the better decisions we can make. I don’t think the education should be slanted towards one view or another. I believe we need to look beyond what is in our own backyard and seek other views. If what we believe is true then it will be proven in other sources. Hiding things or from things won’t make them go away. Eventually your kids will leave your home and enter the world; I hope you prepare them for what is out there.


golden ticket member
UPS Changes Stance on Civil Unions in NJ
Monday July 30, 3:39 pm ET
By Geoff Mulvihill, Associated Press Writer Changing Stance, UPS Offers Benefits to Partners of Gay NJ Workers

MOUNT LAUREL, N.J. (AP) -- After persuasion from New Jersey's governor and attorney general, UPS Inc. said Monday that it would extend health insurance benefits to the civil union partners of gay employees in New Jersey covered by a union contract.
The policy change has to do with New Jersey's civil unions law, which took effect in February, and seeks to give gay couples the same rights in the state as married couples.
Gov. Jon S. Corzine sent Atlanta-based UPS a letter on July 20 asking the shipping company, also known as United Parcel Service, to change its stance.
The company had previously said that civil union partners were legally different from spouses, and therefore, the partners were not entitled to the same benefits that spouses of the company's hourly workers receive.
Gay rights advocates say UPS had a faulty legal interpretation.
They say that many other employers, though, have taken the same stance. The advocates maintain that gay couples would get equal treatment only if they are allowed to marry.
UPS spokesman Norman Black said the company is reviewing its policies in Connecticut and Vermont, which also offer civil unions.
Management and administrative staff in the company nationwide already receive domestic partnership benefits.
Before Monday, the company had said it wanted to extend them to all its hourly union workers, but couldn't outside its collective bargaining agreements. The only exception was in Massachusetts, where gay marriage is legal.


Staff member
UPS Changes Stance on Civil Unions in NJ
Monday July 30, 3:39 pm ET
By Geoff Mulvihill, Associated Press Writer Changing Stance, UPS Offers Benefits to Partners of Gay NJ Workers

MOUNT LAUREL, N.J. (AP) -- After persuasion from New Jersey's governor and attorney general, UPS Inc. said Monday that it would extend health insurance benefits to the civil union partners of gay employees in New Jersey covered by a union contract.
The policy change has to do with New Jersey's civil unions law, which took effect in February, and seeks to give gay couples the same rights in the state as married couples.
Gov. Jon S. Corzine sent Atlanta-based UPS a letter on July 20 asking the shipping company, also known as United Parcel Service, to change its stance.
The company had previously said that civil union partners were legally different from spouses, and therefore, the partners were not entitled to the same benefits that spouses of the company's hourly workers receive.
Gay rights advocates say UPS had a faulty legal interpretation.
They say that many other employers, though, have taken the same stance. The advocates maintain that gay couples would get equal treatment only if they are allowed to marry.
UPS spokesman Norman Black said the company is reviewing its policies in Connecticut and Vermont, which also offer civil unions.
Management and administrative staff in the company nationwide already receive domestic partnership benefits.
Before Monday, the company had said it wanted to extend them to all its hourly union workers, but couldn't outside its collective bargaining agreements. The only exception was in Massachusetts, where gay marriage is legal.
Good to hear. Thanks for posting that Moreluck.