Get Your Pot in Massachusetts


Well-Known Member

I think your observation about minors and the antisocial, cool thingy is a good point. Laughing when I say this, I said years ago that if adults wanted to keep kids away from alcohol and drugs, they should take the opposite approach, make it socially acceptable and literally necessary to being a proper adult and kids would run like hell away from it. We all having been there as kids and now as adults, hope you can appreciate the humor in human nature.

You know the otherside of this drug coin not being talked about but is in fact far worse than illegal street drugs is mom and dad's prescription medicine cabinet. So many mind altering drugs don;t come from the corner dealer but from the corner drug store pharmacy thanks to the local doctor. Wanna real shocker? Listen around your workplace and find out how many of your co-workers take personality altering drugs on a daily basis just to get through life. I was absolutely shocked to learn how many people I work around on a daily basis who take prescription drugs just so they can mentally function on a daily basis. And on a broader sociatial scale, it's a far more normal practice than many of us realize.

So down to it's root level, what's the difference of a person smoking weed to alter his/her personality or the person who uses the doctor for the same purpose? The biggest difference is who is the middle man making the profits and who gets the tax revs. Now you might say the doctor is an expert and the drug dealer isn't but watch those drug commericals on TV and the list of side effects and even death associated with the drugs "from experts" and then compare the same to street drugs. Street drugs are not without risks and many people have been burnt but let's not be blind to the fact that the big pharma doesn't have it's risks either. We've just been conditioned to accept one because of gov't blessing while the other is to be considered a menace.

History channel is running a program right now entitled, Marijuana: A Chronic History and it's worth the watch no matter where you come down on the subject. I found it's history very good and informative but IMO the likes of Harry Anslinger and J.Edgar Hoover probably made marijuana much bigger than it would have been had it been left alone to begin with. JMO anyway!


golden ticket member
Circus peanuts are right down there with Peeps at Easter for my palate. No substitues for chocolate !! (even though I can't have it) I can still dream in chocolate!


Long Time Member
Gimme' a break.... "Addicted to peanuts" or ice cream or whatever.......
It is a Socialogical addiction with pot.
All individuals in Elementary and High School segregate themselves into "groups".
Each group has "Acceptance Standards" (never written; always understood and inferred)
"Fit in" or do not get accepted and protected...............The rest doesn't matter.

Tamales??? Earth to UPSstate..........