God Bless Donald Trump!!


Well-Known Member
No. Trump is the opposite of what a Christian is supposed to be. God, if there is one, is playing with us. Or if there is no God, we need one to protect the world from this evil orange puke.
Trump went out to the nation's rural areas masquerading as 'born again" Christian which he's anything but, promised them things that will never happen such as the return of King Coal which was replaced by nat gas nukes and renewable's years ago along with promising to bring back manufacturing despite the fact that over the past 20 years 87% of all manufacturing jobs lost in the US was due to automation and improved operating efficiency. As a result the US output is 4 times what it was in 1980 but requires one fifth the manpower. The problem with the rural areas is that too much has been hauled out of them and not enough put back. Trump likewise hauled out the rural America vote but will never put anything back. As everyone can plainly see.