Just wanted to say goodbye and to let you know that it was very nice meeting you all!If I need anymore questions answered I have Paul.
Wily_old_vet...I dont know what kind of god you serve but Paul showed me the real messiah today!Because he saw me upset so he put his arm around me and said if this makes you feel any better I just wanted to let you know that you are like a daughter to me! Anywho....I was trying to bring him to Jesus but you know what I think hes a false god because Paul is into witchcraft but I think he serves the real god so anyway i went to the truck with him and he told me all about his god and he gave me is pentagram and he gave me a book about witchcraft and its not at all what people say...So he said I had to pray to him(paul)...so I did i got on my knees and i prayed to him and he said i was accepted to worship the god he serves and i believe he serves the right one because he said he put an application in for UPS and he prayed and prayed and within 2 days he got a call saying he got the job....and the god that you serve well...hes not doing anything for me because look what he did he took my brother away from me!He also doesnt listen to me so I think im just wasting my breath with that god! So now i have peace in my heart and i never did when i worshiped this so called Jesus!
And if you have anything to say to think that i am wrong just reply here cause i wanna it cause there is no Jesus!
Wily_old_vet...I dont know what kind of god you serve but Paul showed me the real messiah today!Because he saw me upset so he put his arm around me and said if this makes you feel any better I just wanted to let you know that you are like a daughter to me! Anywho....I was trying to bring him to Jesus but you know what I think hes a false god because Paul is into witchcraft but I think he serves the real god so anyway i went to the truck with him and he told me all about his god and he gave me is pentagram and he gave me a book about witchcraft and its not at all what people say...So he said I had to pray to him(paul)...so I did i got on my knees and i prayed to him and he said i was accepted to worship the god he serves and i believe he serves the right one because he said he put an application in for UPS and he prayed and prayed and within 2 days he got a call saying he got the job....and the god that you serve well...hes not doing anything for me because look what he did he took my brother away from me!He also doesnt listen to me so I think im just wasting my breath with that god! So now i have peace in my heart and i never did when i worshiped this so called Jesus!
And if you have anything to say to think that i am wrong just reply here cause i wanna it cause there is no Jesus!