Goodbye everyone!



I have a life!!

I have a life now thanks to Paul!!I am going to work for UPS no matter what!!


New Member
You know what....I have a life now thanks to Paul for helping me!
And my brother didn't leave because of me...he left on his own to be with his girlfriend!
I am going to work for a matter of fact I got a job for them already...thanks to my god!!


Well-Known Member
Homer: No TV and no beer make homer... something something.
Marge: Go crazy?
Homer: Don't mind if I do!!!
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From the promised LAND
I have a life now thanks to Paul

Do you really know how sick you are. One of the classics. No self worth without living through someone else. You have been hinting at that your whole time here, and you just now said it.

And my brother didn't leave because of me...he left on his own to be with his girlfriend!

Brothers leave all the time to be with thier girlfriends, but not gone all the time for good. If they dont want anything to do with you, maybe its you? Do you think?

thanks to my god!!

Which one is it you are thanking this week? First you are a Jesus freak, then its nope sorry, he didnt come running when I called so I dont believe anymore?

Of course you could be refering to paul as your god I guess. That would explain lots.

Ever heard of Jim Jones?

Are you on drugs? Been a foster parent too many years to not understand you are in serious trouble. You think your life sucks now, wait a few years, and kids, and husbands/boyfriends. And if you think that being a UPS groupie is helpful............

Get some serious help.

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Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I remember being 16, everything was so simple then. I did know it all, heh, heh. Then something happened....I matured and didnt have a clue.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
I agree with Tooner too. I was once young and stupid also, thought I knew everything. But I grew up. I don't know how anybody could hold a newborn baby in their arms or enjoy the wonders of nature and think there is no God. You have to have be strong in your faith to understand how these things work. I watched my wife go legally blind with an incurable eye desease called retinitis pigmentosis. She was healed by her faith in Jesus Christ, she sees 20/20 now, completely healed. Doctors can't explain it, but we know!


From the promised LAND
Scratch....What can I say but dittos.

We have a driver named Chris who's daughter is now three, and the docs dont know how she has held on this long. Their lives have been forever changed by the daughter. Had to sell their home etc, and move back in with his parents just to help pay the bills.

Anyway three weeks ago, chris had an accident, in which no one was hurt, but he started having problems getting dizzy. After doing a cat scan last week they found a cyst, one they think is not malignant, but in a hard to get to part of the brain. Gonna be hard to get it out without doing damage.

So keep them in your thoughts and prayers this season of thanks.

As for me, just thankful that the first thing to hit the floor every morning is not my face.



And yet you keep posting. What do you think would happen if no one replied to it's posts? Maybe it would go away?

Ms Spoken

Well-Known Member
I remember when I was 16 and the last thing I wanted to do would be sit at a computer and torment UPS employees on a message board. I dont think this little girl is for real.


Where next? Venice
ups_gal_710 said:
I remember when I was 16 and the last thing I wanted to do would be sit at a computer and torment UPS employees on a message board. I dont think this little girl is for real.


I have been sitting on the sidelines of this thread and wondering all the time just what you said. I'm sure everyone has heard of police in various areas and even the FBI trolling internet chat rooms, etc. for perverets in a similar way as this, pretending to be an underage girl.

Could it be? :confused:


I feel GOOD!
ups_gal_710 said:
I dont think this little girl is for real.
that's been pretty obvious from the start.

traveler said:
I'm sure everyone has heard of police in various areas and even the FBI trolling internet chat rooms, etc. for perverets in a similar way as this, pretending to be an underage girl.
if that's the case here then the police are the perverts.



Well-Known Member
Unregistered said:
And yet you keep posting. What do you think would happen if no one replied to it's posts? Maybe it would go away?

Amen brother! or sister if that be the case.


Staff member
"...even the FBI ...pretending to be an underage girl."

Uh oh..... So I shouldn't be meeting her in Ohio tomorrow?