Handshake for 705 this morning

Mike Hawk

Well-Known Member
Thanks for your support, "keeping it real". I would also like to thank you, as management, for 60 hours of doubletime last month. Without incompetent sups like you incapable of running sorts without working, I wouldn't have all this free money.

Reality Bites

the number one way to improve pensions is to:
a. get companies to dump more and more many in and reduce their profits and drag share price down

b. make sure companies earn good profits creating job growth, increasing share price and helping pension plans investments grow

c. nickel and dime companies for supervisors working

the answer is clearly b.
the reasoning- imagine what your teamster plan would look like if the stock market was 30% higher... or maybe 40% or even 50%....
so yeah let's find out how to punish companies, make them less competitive and nickel and dime them to death. let's make them focus on pickey-une nonsense instead of going out and winning new volume to create new jobs..

Go talk to the unions at GM and Ford and ask them if they had to do it all over again- what would they do differently..

Reality Bites

There is an announcement that there are handshakes for both 705 and 710 this morning...probably better than a strike, but who knows how much business, jobs and hours have been lost locally in Chicago over this...probably not worth what may have been gained in negotiating ugly...

I sure hope the company learned how to negotiate pretty next time

Reality Bites

Red you're a good man who is looking out for him self, his family, and your union brothers, and sisters. I would love to have a steward who cared for our interests as much as you.

Ditto, Keep up the fight, there is something wrong when 10% of Americans have 90% of the wealth


Well-Known Member
no disrespect intended- stop taking your kid to the union meetings.
you want another generation of your family whose goal is filing grievances??
you need to get real.

Keep breaching the contract. Keep working when you force your hourlys off the clock. Keep over dispatching drivers and making angry customers. Keep trying to stick the next driver with an extra 15 stops and harrassing him to get in at the same time and under 9.5. Keep on harrassing the preloaders and giving them more trucks to load crappier than the day before.......Keep all this up and we will have another generation of bad managment that employees and customers despise!

Keep all these things up and you will have many generations of grievances PAL!


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Every good UPS driver is a hero..
Every grievance seeking/ angry driver is a zero...
Wel boys, it looks like what we have here is a genuine Management By Commitment goon. Wow. Havent seen any of those fossils around for awhile. Lets just whip out the lava lamps, put in our favorite 8-track tape and start filing some grievances.


Staff member
The problem with this statement, if you are a full-time Teamster driver, then you are in the top five per cent.

Top 5%? It's a good job, but it ain't quite that good :wink2:

Most full time UPS drivers fall somewhere between the 70th and 85th percentiles, depending on how much overtime they work and how many days they take off.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
This depends on what charts you look at. FT drivers make 75-100K, which is way up there. In a two income household, it will get a lot higher. I know a couple of driver up above the 5% mark. So after this election, we may have to redistribute our wealth.


Well-Known Member
Not at all. A Package Driver working 9.5 everyday easily hits 75K. A Feeder Driver pushing 60 hours is close to 100K.

I elected to use the contract to my advantage along with many in our district. The work is there and the overtime if you want it, but lets be serious. I elect to spend more quality time with my family and would never work a 60 hour work week. I will take a request load whenever it is available. 9.5 everyday with a 9am start time = son sleeping when daddy gets home. No fn way.
Family>60 hour work week