He said, she said Termination



That was my mixup... when I researched the delivery records via my on-road supe..... I gave him the wrong date (July 31st instead of July 24th).... that is why I could not find the information I was looking for...UPS had all the relevant paperwork but I was not provided a personal copy.... and to be honest when I was terminated I was in disbelief and did not ask for a copy.... but the BA has all that now.... as for the rest of your post... I am not ready to admit to being dishonest because I was not dishonest... I used the wrong methods apparently and will have to change that in the future... but once again my bitterness about never having been called on it in the past (when I know damn well that they knew about it) is what is so irritating...
Don't buy into that crap GB. You didn't use the wrong methods. All over the country we have been told that if a business is closed on a day that UPS works to sheet the package as CLO(H). To many folks think because they are told it's the wrong methods that it is. Past practice in your building is the same in many buildings. It's the company that should remove that option from the diad. CLO(1) is for an attempt that is made during the companies normal hours of operation. CLO(H) was, and still is, as you can see from the poster above for the Friday before Labor Day, the normal procedure. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
what about 12-1 after 5 for holiday closures. was told that if i had ne closures for friday before labor day to not sheet and bring back and sheet with special diad for holiday closures when i got back this magic diad had been clocked out so i was told by on road sup to just sheet as closed holiday with my board at 645 pm.


Well-Known Member
They told us on the Friday before Labor Day, that if we were at a business that was closed "for the holiday", but we were there between 12 and 1 or after 5, that we shouldn't record it during those times, but enter it after 1 or before 5. That was an addendum to the instructions to record them as cloH. One of the advantages to using cloH is that you only have to use the non-delivery buttons for cloH on one package and the diad extends it to all. Whereas with clo1, you have to go through and enter that for each package. In the case of a manufacturing facility, for example, one might have 100 packages, and the place was closed for a holiday that UPS doesn't honor, or a day that the customer chooses to close for business reasons, then the driver would have to use about an additional 297 keystrokes to complete the stop.


GB. I hope you have a printer. Start printing the responses you have seen here about the CLO(H) for Friday. You will win back pay in arbitration on this. You have proof they still use the CLO(H) for theier conveniance. Friday was not a holiday. It was a day that many businesses close to extend their employees a long weekend, yet UPS has their drivers sheeting them as CLO(H)



I appreciate the positive sentiment....The BA said we have grounds for backpay but told me he was going to meet with UPS and present the new evidence and tell them they need to reinstate me immediately or we are going to panel and ask for all back pay.... I'm not sure which way I am going to go on this one...... going to panel, even with a good case is not a guaranteed win....... I feel like I definetly deserve back pay but I am not willing to lose my job in order to get it...

I'm not too familiar with the grievance process. Could you not get reinstated and then after that go after the back pay? Make it kind of two separate trials?


No It's not green grocer!
Take the info you have in hand and find a damm good labor attorney in your area. Skip the rest of the nonsense of the union getting you your job back. :angry:

Sounds like a great idea. Unfortunately you will not find a good labor lawyer that will take your case until all the unions avenues are exhausted!!That contract we all work under also spells out the procedures for grievances, which must all be exhausted before any legal case can be or should be brought.

The very fact that your DM keeps people out until the last day and gives them their job back should make you want to take this case and shove it strait up his ass!!! Make them pay you for the lost wages, and maybe they will think twice about pulling this BS on someone else in the future!

The war cannot ever be one if no one will fight the battles!!!


Well-Known Member

I hear you............I just wish I knew with certainty that I will get my job back....when you go to the panel you take the chance of not winning.....I believe I have an excellent case, but I am not sure that any backhanded politics will take place behind closed doors


No It's not green grocer!

If you lose this case based on the facts I have read, I would be completely shocked!!
That being said I completely understand your fears and can only hope for the best outcome!!

When is the next hearing? Where are you located?


Well-Known Member
The BA had the last chance meeting with UPS management yesterday and they still are holding onto the idea that I was dishonest about using CLOH and cited a supposed meeting that I had with the center manager (Which I adamantly denied during the local hearing) in which she was supposed to have told me not to use CLOH anymore.... two days later I used it (CLOH) again for another one of my perpetually closed stops......she nor anyone else EVER told me to not use CLOH and the only time that it was ever mentioned was during my discharge meeting.... I said this during the local hearing and the DM said he was "going to believe the center manager on this one".......anyway this thing seems destined for the panel.....I told my BA about the fact that I had received responses from folks on this board about being instructed by UPS management to use CLOH for stops during this past Fridays workday (the friday before Labor day) in spite of the fact that it was not a holiday either....this is what I hate.... the inconsistency of UPS and its business practices..The BA said he wished he would have known about this before the last chance meeting... I am not sure if the fact that UPS is telling drivers to use CLOH on non-holidays will be of any use to me or not....I know that they are management and can do whatever they please whenever they please.....


they still are holding onto the idea that I was dishonest about using CLOH and cited a supposed meeting that I had with the center manager (Which I adamantly denied during the local hearing) in which she was supposed to have told me not to use CLOH anymore.... two days later I used it (CLOH) again for another one of my perpetually closed stops......
Are you saying that she had this meeting with you and 2 days later you did it again?


Well-Known Member

You are right......I never had any "meeting" with UPS management to discuss using CLOH.....on the Monday morning following the Friday that I made the attempt and sheeted the package CLOH, I was approached by my on road sup and he asked me "did you go by the historical society friday?"...... I responded "yes I did they were not open".......then he said "The center manager wants to see you about it"..... I went directly over to her (about 10 feet away) and leaned down to say "did you want to see me?"...... she then said "I will talk to you later"....because the PCM was starting at that moment.......she did not meet with me or speak with me about this incident again until my termination meeting..... UPS is saying that we did meet and I was instructed not to use CLOH anymore...... this never happened ......and actually during the termination meeting she said in the prescense of the steward and myself "I have been putting this (meeting with me) off for days" UPS is obviously trying to make up some story about having told me not to use CLOH anymore because they know how bad it will look when the BA indicates that I have done this for over 5 years without any commentary from management in the past. Once again to make this clear I was not told at anytime by anyone from UPS management not to use CLOH....the only time it was brought up was during my termination hearing..... and how stupid do you think I would have to be if indeed UPS's story was true...... that I was directly told not to use CLOH and then turned right around and did it again 2 days later.... I mean come on, I may not be a rocket scientist, but I am not that stupid.....


Well-Known Member
Oh, by the way..... if anyone here is from the southern region specifically anywhere in Georgia and was told to use CLOH during last week (September 4th, 2009) the Friday before Labor day (Monday)...... please post to this thread..... it will be of real importance to my case according to the BA....THANKS!

Pump Up The Volume

Well-Known Member
This seems like such a mundane issue. Sounds like you are being blackballed. As I've stated before, your GPS coordinates are in the communications screen (6) and then press 8 (not listed). On the newer trucks a gps wire is located under the steering column.
Some questions to ask are have you been properly trained? What about progressive discipline? Have you received coaching or couseling about your day, have their been any previous commitments to correct the problem? What about the fact that it has to be proven their is an intention of dishonesty while using gps info?


Well-Known Member
The Union is standing on the progressive discipline platform.... (or the lack there of) I think the GPS info is not relevant to UPS because I have been told that it shows me at the delivery address at the time in question so UPS will not use it.


Well-Known Member
I think that the main issue now is that the DM has a real hardon for me and won't let this go until the panel settles it..... as stated by another poster.... the DM is a real nightmare to deal with and has been firing drivers for any possible infraction since he took over at the beginning of the year.....


Sounds like a great idea. Unfortunately you will not find a good labor lawyer that will take your case until all the unions avenues are exhausted!!That contract we all work under also spells out the procedures for grievances, which must all be exhausted before any legal case can be or should be brought.

The very fact that your DM keeps people out until the last day and gives them their job back should make you want to take this case and shove it strait up his ass!!! Make them pay you for the lost wages, and maybe they will think twice about pulling this BS on someone else in the future!

The war cannot ever be one if no one will fight the battles!!!
You wont know if you can find a good lawyer until you try. The fact you have not completed the union/contract arbitration may be in your favor. Most lawyers will not take your case after an arbitrator has ruled against you. Dont wait for that step to take place. Contact a good lawyer now.
Good luck GB.