Hearing Aids


Well-Known Member
Our insurance plan only pays for one set of hearing aids. How long do they last?
i just got a new pair this week insurance paid 80%,this in my 3rd pair they last about 4 years or so
Teamsters Western Region & Local 177 Health Care


Marty Peters kid
@Jkloc420 after work last Friday????


Well-Known Member
I would not consider the PCs we have now to be loud.
It’s not necessarily the package car but the noise around you. In the summer heat you’ve got to keep both doors open to survive. Sustained exposure to traffic ambience on an interstate will definitely cause hearing loss. Bro dozers with loud exhaust, motorcycles, Jake Brakes, etc. If I can’t shut the cab doors then I wear ear plugs when I get on the freeway.


Where’s the broom?
Any of you fellas wear hearing aids or know a driver that does? I’m just curious how it works out with your DOT. My hearing is shot from playing drums growing up and gets worse working out of these loud trucks. I’m going to see an audiologist next week to see what I need.

I know one guy at my building that has hearing aids. He told me his hearing is so bad he had to get a federal exemption or something? I don’t know what he was talking about.

Any information would be appreciated, thanks!
I know of a feeder driver in an adjacent group that wears them in New England. I don’t see him on a regular basis anymore. Perhaps someone can get some additional info for you or put him in touch with you.


Amatuer Malthusian
Bulk head door slamming is way too loud.
On opening or closing? Open stops get bashed away very quickly if there is only (stock) one. I would install 3 on mine with the advent of keyless. Drivers tying down the pull catch made it even worse.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
i just got a new pair this week insurance paid 80%,this in my 3rd pair they last about 4 years or so
Teamsters Western Region & Local 177 Health Care
Lol, big brother is watching. My phone now has hearing aid ads!

Don't know how good those units you can buy online are but they are expensive. Don't know if they are better than the doctor office one's are. Seem to be around $1750.