Hilary Clinton


golden ticket member


nowhere special
Email Scandal: Hillary Clinton’s Last Defense Just Blew Up

The Washington Post, of all places, found that not only did Hillary Clinton send and receive classified material on her unsecured email server as Secretary of State, she wrote dozens of classified emails herself.

The Post’s latest revelations, however, are particularly damning. It found that three-quarters of the classified emails she sent were written by Clinton herself.

Saying she didn’t know the information was classified because it wasn’t marked makes no sense, since she was the one who would have been responsible for marking it in the first place.

And, since she claims that she was “well aware of the classification requirements,” she can’t now claim that she was ignorant of the nature of the information she was sending.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Email Scandal: Hillary Clinton’s Last Defense Just Blew Up

The Washington Post, of all places, found that not only did Hillary Clinton send and receive classified material on her unsecured email server as Secretary of State, she wrote dozens of classified emails herself.

The Post’s latest revelations, however, are particularly damning. It found that three-quarters of the classified emails she sent were written by Clinton herself.

Saying she didn’t know the information was classified because it wasn’t marked makes no sense, since she was the one who would have been responsible for marking it in the first place.

And, since she claims that she was “well aware of the classification requirements,” she can’t now claim that she was ignorant of the nature of the information she was sending.

Somebody is going to prison.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Somebody is going to prison.

You people are so desperate.

Hillary made it clear yesterday, the FBI is NOT investigating her at all.

But you people keep listening to the suggestions of fox news and believing it. When will you learn? How many of the FOX news "suggestions" about anything have ever come true?



I don’t work at UPS anymore.
You people are so desperate.

Hillary made it clear yesterday, the FBI is NOT investigating her at all.

But you people keep listening to the suggestions of fox news and believing it. When will you learn? How many of the FOX news "suggestions" about anything have ever come true?


Is Hillary really a credible source on this topic?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Is Hillary really a credible source on this topic?

The largest point would be.. HOW credible are the fox news suggestions.

The FBI is not investigating HER, how many times do we have to make that clear on this board?

Just because fox news takes something out of context and runs with it, that doesnt make it true. No matter how many times its repeated.

Same for the suggestion that SHE transmitted top secret or classified information from her server, even though the record is crystal clear that it was made classified or top secret AFTER they were sent.

Same for Colin Powell and Condolesbie Rice.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Whoops.. there goes that argument.




How ridiculous is this whole story? But not for FOX news and the operatives masquerading as journalists continue to repeat an untruth and you people invest the farm into the story.

Get a grip people, HILLARY will be charged with NOTHING.



golden ticket member
Hillary was asked a few times who is responsible for making something classified....she said 3 or 4 times, the state dept. That was wrong.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
~Hillary was asked a few times who is responsible for making something classified....she said 3 or 4 times, the state dept. That was wrong.~ morelock

NO, she was RIGHT and YOU are wrong.

What she said was really clear.

The state dept can make stuff classified now or later, then, it consults with other AGENCIES who look at things like emails and THEY can ALSO make them classified even when the state dept doesnt make them classified in the begining.

Listening to those windbags in skirts on outnumbered will always keep you in the dark, and I know thats where you got this from.

As she also pointed out Colin Powell and Condi Rice also transmitted Classified information on their PRIVATE servers while in the state department and those emails are NOW deemed classified.

I dont hear you calling for them to be arrested.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
you do realize the FBI does not investigatee servers but they do investigate people. Hillary is every bit a part of this investigation

Again, do you not pay attention to detail? THE FBI is not actively investigating HILLARY CLINTON. They are investigating the process of the servers.

From the FBI:

Now, in a letter dated February 2 and filed in court Monday, the FBI’s general counsel, James Baker, notes that in public statements and congressional testimony, the FBI “has acknowledged generally that it is working on matters related to former Secretary Clinton’s use of a private email server.”

and then from the FBI:

Baker says the FBI has not, however, “publicly acknowledged the specific focus, scope or potential targets of any such proceedings.”

NOW, for you and the other people to LEAP to a conclusion that Hillary is the direct target of an investigation, is the typical example of what FOX news viewers like to do.

Take every suggestion from FOX as fact, then run with it and praying that it comes true.

The FBI will not indict or charge Hillary for anything. If they did, they would have to chare Condolesbian Rice, Colin Powell, Dick Cheney and George W. Bush for doing the EXACT same thing while in office. BUSH erased millions of emails off his private server when president.


Dont give too much credibility to your sources on this email scandal. It may be what you want to hear in your desperate attempts to see hillary out of the race, but dont bet your last dollar on it.



golden ticket member
~Hillary was asked a few times who is responsible for making something classified....she said 3 or 4 times, the state dept. That was wrong.~ morelock

NO, she was RIGHT and YOU are wrong.

What she said was really clear.

The state dept can make stuff classified now or later, then, it consults with other AGENCIES who look at things like emails and THEY can ALSO make them classified even when the state dept doesnt make them classified in the begining.

Listening to those windbags in skirts on outnumbered will always keep you in the dark, and I know thats where you got this from.

As she also pointed out Colin Powell and Condi Rice also transmitted Classified information on their PRIVATE servers while in the state department and those emails are NOW deemed classified.

I dont hear you calling for them to be arrested.

The originator of the e-mail decides if it's classified or not.


golden ticket member
She also broke debate rules by meeting with her staff on bathroom break.....they have a pictures of it, so she can't deny it.
She just doesn't think the rules ever apply to her.

She's a sneaky culprit!