Hilary Clinton

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
What Powell and Rice did was totally different than what Hillary did.
I can't explain it because I'm not computer savvy enough.....however, the explanation is out there and I heard it this morning......Hillary and her talking points (pat answers) are wrong.~moreluck

Of course you heard that this morning, and like a robot, you repeat it without an understanding of what crap that is.

You dont have to be savvy to understand the email controversy. Your sources have done a fantastic job of misrepresenting the truth on the issue, and the viewers hate hillary so much you have no choice but to not only believe it, but to pray it helps you win an election.

the use of a private Email server while in office goes way back, and hillary did nothing out of the ordinary everyday practice of government.

If you are so concerned about hillary wiping emails off the server, then you should be ready to hang george bush from a tree for the MILLIONS of emails he deleted while under investigation while in office.

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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
~She also broke debate rules by meeting with her staff on bathroom break.....they have a pictures of it, so she can't deny it.
She just doesn't think the rules ever apply to her.

She's a sneaky culprit!~moreluck

Desperate people repeat desperate things.

Election night will be a great night to remind you of how wrong you were.

Stay tuned.
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golden ticket member
~She also broke debate rules by meeting with her staff on bathroom break.....they have a pictures of it, so she can't deny it.
She just doesn't think the rules ever apply to her.

She's a sneaky culprit!~moreluck

Desperate people repeat desperate things.

Election night will be a great night to remind you of how wrong you were.

Stay tuned.
There's a photo of her with her gang during the break......even Hilary can't argue that....why do you ?


golden ticket member

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Caitlyn Jenner: The “Country Is Over” If Hillary Clinton Is Elected President (VIDEO)

Caitlyn Jenner goes on a tirade against Hillary Clinton on this Sunday’s episode of “I Am Cait,” insisting that the Democratic presidential candidate is a “****ing liar” and the “country is over,” if she’s elected.

The right wings dream!

Bruce jenner, I mean, Kaitlyn Jenner, everything the republican party is fighting against, but "SHIM" is too stupid to figure it out.

(shim- SHE/HIM)



The right wings dream!

Bruce jenner, I mean, Kaitlyn Jenner, everything the republican party is fighting against, but "SHIM" is too stupid to figure it out.

(shim- SHE/HIM)


The issue IS, bruce jenner is a conservative, no matter what sex he is, and it goes to show his stupidity,believing the GOP has YOUR best interests at heart, when they dont and have always gone against YOU.

But you, like jenner will still vote for them.

The democrats on the other hand, believe jenner can be whatever he wants to be.


No, the LARGER issue, is Bruce when a man, believed he was a conservative GAY man, and that the party would embrace him, but as he is finding out, GUYS like you reject him, and toss him to the curb, because thats whats your party is all about.


Trying to convince yourselves that you are holier than thou, when you party is full of degenerates.

It must be hard to live a lie, isnt it?


How do you know what anyone else thinks? Why do people like yourself believe you have the occupation of other peoples brain?

Democrats, on the other hand, allow bruce to believe what he wants to believe. Something you miswest people dont understand.


The right wings dream!

Bruce jenner, I mean, Kaitlyn Jenner, everything the republican party is fighting against, but "SHIM" is too stupid to figure it out.

(shim- SHE/HIM)


You claim that the Democrats accept Jenner for what she believes herself to be but then attack her in a fashion that betrays that claim.

Also , consider this: You obviously think a lot about Jenner but not once, has she ever thought about you. Unrequited love, it's a bitch , ain't it?


Well-Known Member
Same for Colin Powell and Condolesbie Rice.
It's comparing apples to oranges !!! Not the same.

But, but, but...

Those folks are on your 'side'.

Are you so willing to turn on your folks? I don't have the patience to search through your posts, but Rice was on your 'friend' list somewhere.

You're like a pig in a stall that will turn around and eat another pig, or a human.

One the one hand, I hope Clinton doesn't get the Presidency, because that would mean eight more years of your griping.


golden ticket member
What Powell and Rice did was totally different than what Hillary did.
I can't explain it because I'm not computer savvy enough.....however, the explanation is out there and I heard it this morning......Hillary and her talking points (pat answers) are wrong.
..."Powell & Rice DID NOT transact all their business on a private server ... She had over 1700 emails with classified information on them..."


Well-Known Member
Can someone explain to me what law HC broke?

I'm not a government official (obviously), but if she's going down, why the slowwwww takedown?

If she's guilty, so be it, but at this point, I kind of feel like, if they were going to 'nab' her, they would have done it already.