Hilary Clinton

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Hillary ‘had several abortions’, kept Chelsea for political appearances: Bill’s former lover

Even having a child was a political calculation for Hillary Clinton, one of Bill Clinton’s former lovers says — and it’s those types of actions that she believes should give every woman pause before making Hillary the first female president.

Miller, who had a three-month affair with then Gov. Bill Clinton in 1983, recently shared with The American Mirror some of the intimate secrets Bill told her, including that even having a child was a political calculation for the current Democratic front runner for president.

“She had several abortions before she had Chelsea and it was only because Bill convinced her that if they were ever going to move up in politics that they had to have a child because that is what the political analysts had said,” Miller says.

“They’ve gotta see her as a human. They have to see her — I think in society they always say, ‘If you were a mother, you can’t be half bad. There has to be some love or gentleness or compassion within in you birth a child,’ but that’s not true.

When she was asked about where she heard Hillary Clinton was a lesbian, she responded, “Bill told me!"
“Because I said why do you think she is so cold?” recalling her conversation with Bill. “Why do you think she is so uninterested in kissing and holding and just being close physically?

“He said that when she was in college that she and some girls experimented and she liked it."

Man, you still fall for this crap??

You are the most gullible man in the woods bro.

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Bad Moon Risen'
Hillary ‘had several abortions’, kept Chelsea for political appearances: Bill’s former lover

Even having a child was a political calculation for Hillary Clinton, one of Bill Clinton’s former lovers says — and it’s those types of actions that she believes should give every woman pause before making Hillary the first female president.

Miller, who had a three-month affair with then Gov. Bill Clinton in 1983, recently shared with The American Mirror some of the intimate secrets Bill told her, including that even having a child was a political calculation for the current Democratic front runner for president.

“She had several abortions before she had Chelsea and it was only because Bill convinced her that if they were ever going to move up in politics that they had to have a child because that is what the political analysts had said,” Miller says.

“They’ve gotta see her as a human. They have to see her — I think in society they always say, ‘If you were a mother, you can’t be half bad. There has to be some love or gentleness or compassion within in you birth a child,’ but that’s not true.

When she was asked about where she heard Hillary Clinton was a lesbian, she responded, “Bill told me!"
“Because I said why do you think she is so cold?” recalling her conversation with Bill. “Why do you think she is so uninterested in kissing and holding and just being close physically?

“He said that when she was in college that she and some girls experimented and she liked it."

If it's not in the National Inquirer, it's not true.


Strength through joy
Hillary Blows Up at Greenpeace Activist

Hillary Blows Up at Greenpeace Activist
4:18 PM, Mar 31, 2016 | By Daniel Halper

Hillary Clinton lost her cool in an exchange with a Greenpeace activist:

"I am so sick, I am so sick," Clinton says, shouting and wagging her finger at the activist, "of the Sanders campaign lying about me. I'm sick of it."

Greenpeace explained the exchange, "At a Hillary Clinton rally at SUNY Purchase campus today, the presidential candidate lost her patience with a Greenpeace activist who thanked her for her commitment to climate change then asked her whether she'll reject fossil fuel money moving forward. Pointing her finger at activist Eva Resnick-Day, Clinton claimed she only takes money from people who work for fossil fuel companies and called the accusations lies."


Well-Known Member
This story says Hillary supporters hissed at BlM protestors. probably a few racists Hillary supporters that made it past the intense screening. Surprisingly it was only a 500 per plate dinner. its not like Hillary to spend that much time with the paupers.

if it was trump supporters the press would report that there was spitting rather then hissing. love that media spin



Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
I will support any honest politician who runs against the Clinton Crime family.
I'm for abortion, I'm against abortion. I'll nuke Europe, I won't nuke Europe. I'm OK with punching protesters, I'm against violence against protesters. According to drumpf and, none of those statements are reversals. I wonder what it's like living in an alternative reality?Can you enlighten us newtie???????