Hilary Clinton


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself


golden ticket member
It always amuses me to hear libs claiming Pant Suits is a lock to win the presidency in 2016. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Via Politico:
Hillary Clinton, in addition to President Barack Obama, is facing declining approval numbers, a poll shows.
Clinton has lost a majority of public approval dropping to 46 percent approval from 56 percent in April, according to the NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey released Wednesday. Thirty-three percent have a negative view of the former secretary of state.

The poll also highlights that Clinton is losing support among younger voters, independents and even within her own party. She dropped 15 percentage points since April among 18- to 34-year-olds who said they had a positive view of Clinton to 38 percent. Additionally, her approval rating among independents fell from 46 percent to 35 percent. Clinton’s approval among Democrats also fell by 12 points, from 88 percent in April to 76 percent in the most recent poll.

Clinton, who is widely seen as the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016, has yet to make public any plans to seek the presidency


golden ticket member
4 Americans being held in Libya....."what difference does it make?"

Via Fox News:
Four U.S. military personnel are being held in Libyan government custody, the State Department said Friday night.
The circumstances and location of their detention were not immediately clear.
“We are seeking to further ascertain the facts and ensure their release,” said State Department spokesman Jen Psaki. “We are in touch with Libyan officials on this issue.”
The New York Times reported
the episode appeared to have taken place in a tourist area about an hour’s drive from the capital of Tripoli and that the region was generally considered friendly to Westerners.


This is about Hillary.....my take, so do't try to debate that I was off topic...

It was a very somber moment with the 4 caskets and the music and the words paying tribute to those 4 who were killed....So why did the sec'y of state bring up the damn film again....wrong time & place!! Then later I heard Jay Carney saying this was not about 9-11....then why didn't they do it on 9-12 or 9-10?? The people of America are not stupid!!
Really? Bho got voted a second term. ;)


Do you really think I care that you follow me and dislike every single post I make? You have way too much free time dude. Get a hobby.
Why can't you be tolerant of the same thing. I didn't even know you existed until everything I posted you disliked. Funny I started doing the same thing to you and you start whining about it. No one is surprised. Proceed