Hilary Clinton


golden ticket member

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
This quote was said in 2008, moreluck, and done so after Bill Clinton refused to pardon someone GEFFEN asked to be pardoned. You can take it out of context all you want, but its hardly a blanket statement about the clintons in general.

It makes for a cute cartoon, but hardly reflects Geffens affiliation with DEM politics.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
To hell with Geffen.......I think the first sentence can stand ALONE !!

Hate on the woman all you want. If she runs, she wins, plain and simple. The GOP is still the party of DEAD. Lowest approval ratings in history. nonstop re hashing of bengazi, IRA, NSA and such has all but killed off the GOP for good.

No matter who the GOP puts up, they will be stomped into the ground.

The grand OLD party just got too OLD.



Well-Known Member
Honesty and Integrity --Hope and Change --Vote for Hillary !!! -Pass the kool aid !!!

While the Limo Liberals-drink Chystal and laugh at your poverty !!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Honesty and Integrity --Hope and Change --Vote for Hillary !!! -Pass the kool aid !!!

While the Limo Liberals-drink Chystal and laugh at your poverty !!!

And the others listen to a billionaire tell them everything they want to hear everyday on AM radio while he pretends to be "one of them"....



And the others listen to a billionaire tell them everything they want to hear everyday on AM radio while he pretends to be "one of them"....

Or listen to the millionaires in the White House while they pretend to be "one of them"

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Or listen to the millionaires in the White House while they pretend to be "one of them"

Before he took office, President Obama had bills like every other working joe in this country. He wasnt spoon fed his money like GWBUSH or any other top GOP official.

Congress is loaded with millionaires. Congress is also packed with special favors for family members. Wives of many top republicans sit on the boards of major corporations along with sons and daughters. Huge paybacks for favorable bills passed.

The pay for congressman and senators need to be cut in half and benefits ended upon retirement or replacement.



Engorged Member
Same old playbook --Blame Bush --Fox News --Rush ----tos seems to listen to Limbaugh a lot --knows a lot more about him then I do !!!:love-very:

Hillary is going to win in 2016. Christie has imploded, and you have nobody on your side who can even mount a meaningful challenge. I guess you can focus on 2024, when she leaves office after her second term.

I know most of the Right is too ignorant to realize it, but FOX, Rush, Hannity and the rest of them absolutely love having a Democrat be President. Without someone to aim at, the Hate/Lie Machine sputters and doesn't rake-in as much money from the stupid GOP faithful.


Well-Known Member
Hillary is going to win in 2016. Christie has imploded, and you have nobody on your side who can even mount a meaningful challenge. I guess you can focus on 2024, when she leaves office after her second term.

I know most of the Right is too ignorant to realize it, but FOX, Rush, Hannity and the rest of them absolutely love having a Democrat be President. Without someone to aim at, the Hate/Lie Machine sputters and doesn't rake-in as much money from the stupid GOP faithful.

Missed delivery again.

What in the world does your post have to do with a serial poster --that responds : Blame Bush, YOU listen to Fox , Limbaugh etc etc to every failure of the Present President of the U.S. ???

Of course it is not strange to you that Libs who claim never to watch Fox or listen to Rush are always quoting them ???


Inordinately Right
Hillary is going to win in 2016. Christie has imploded, and you have nobody on your side who can even mount a meaningful challenge. I guess you can focus on 2024, when she leaves office after her second term.

I know most of the Right is too ignorant to realize it, but FOX, Rush, Hannity and the rest of them absolutely love having a Democrat be President. Without someone to aim at, the Hate/Lie Machine sputters and doesn't rake-in as much money from the stupid GOP faithful.
Bingo. Fox News needs a democrat in office to maintain their ratings.

Funny thing is, the median age of their audience is over 65 years old. The most expensive ad space a network can sell targets people age 25-50, which makes up less than 20% of Fox News' audience. They only survive because of the ridiculously high subscriber fee they charge cable companies. As the trend of cutting the cord from cable companies continues, they're gonna need to get creative to survive.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Bingo. Fox News needs a democrat in office to maintain their ratings.

Funny thing is, the median age of their audience is over 65 years old. The most expensive ad space a network can sell targets people age 25-50, which makes up less than 20% of Fox News' audience. They only survive because of the ridiculously high subscriber fee they charge cable companies. As the trend of cutting the cord from cable companies continues, they're gonna need to get creative to survive.

Without old people, FOX news wouldnt have an audience.



Strength through joy
TOS , would you care to tell everyone just how bhos paid for his very expense education at all those private schools ?
The only job ever mentioned in his bio , was a Basket Robbins in HI as a youth .
Where did he get his living expenses from, too ?