How's the view???........


Pees in the brown Koolaid


Active Member


Come some of the work get's kind of hard
This ain't no place to be if you planned on being a star
Let me tell you it's always cool
And the boss don't mind sometimes if you act a fool
At the car wash, woooh
Talking about the car wash, yeah
Come on y'all and sing it for me
Car wash, woh, car wash yeah


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Horse on the left was near death a year ago from malnutrition and getting the crap beat out of it by an abusive owner with a baseball bat. The two horses on the right were near death from starvation a month ago. They still look like hell with visible ribs and hip bones but are now being well cared for and gaining weight at an equine rescue on my route. The one on the left has almost completed its training to be a therapy horse, and the other two will begin training once their health permits it. It takes a horse many months to recover fully from starvation, if you overfeed them too quickly it can kill them. There is a special place in Hell for the people who would abuse animals like this, and I would love the chance to find such people and send them there.



Box Monkey
Good to see there are still some real men out there who aren't afraid of a little weather.

I enjoy it a little. Nice to get the ass end of the truck sliding around but still in control. The weather doesn't scare me. The other idiot's on the road do though.