I drink your milkshake! a metaphor for capitalism


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
well exactly. after too many jobs are automated, which is coming especially after they automate truck driving, then we might have a hard conversation about how capitalism works.

or people will just be serfs.
so what your saying is you want socialism or communism


Well-Known Member
quitting is not justification for these kind of work conditions.
You're talking about temp jobs at Christmas time that these old folks sign up for to supplement their retirement income. I'm familiar because I look at a huge rv forum that has a workamping sub-forum. Has been going on for many years. People who participate are glad they have a short term option available. Not the nefarious scheme by an evil madman you're making it out to be.


Well-Known Member
You're talking about temp jobs at Christmas time that these old folks sign up for to supplement their retirement income. I'm familiar because I look at a huge rv forum that has a workamping sub-forum. Has been going on for many years. People who participate are glad they have a short term option available. Not the nefarious scheme by an evil madman you're making it out to be.
yea because this system is moral and just and not evil at all.


Well-Known Member
No one is holding a gun to their heads. Amazon has work available that they gladly take. RVers I know of drive hundreds of miles to work at these locations. What exactly is the problem?
no problem!!!! move along, nothing to see here!

your absolutely right, because as long as they are free to quit, and amazon is not holding a gun to their head, EVERYTHING amazon does to its workers is moral and just.

the economy really sucks if old would be retired people (if they werent so poor) are driving hundreds of miles to work these physically demanding jobs. i wouldnt even drive 2 miles.

o and you know how once upon a time everyone thought the universe revolved around the earth and everyone ended up being wrong... well peoples economic views are in no way comparable to that ;)
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Well-Known Member
no problem!!!! move along, nothing to see here!

your absolutely right, because as long as they are free to quit, and amazon is not holding a gun to their head, EVERYTHING amazon does to its workers is moral and just.
I don't see anyone on forum I look at complaining. YOU'RE the one who's turning it into something it isn't. Apparently you believe in some utopian idea where everything is pleasant, no one sweats for a living, and we're all paid really well. If someone voluntarily spends a couple of months a year hustling a bit for, to you, low wages, that's criminally insane and must be stopped. Meanwhile you got some people here agreeing with you while making decent money getting people to work hard all year at similar wages with no benefits, but they aren't the world's richest man, who must be stopped at all costs because he's, well let's just say it, drum roll please, THE WORLD'S RICHEST MAN!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I don't see anyone on forum I look at complaining. YOU'RE the one who's turning it into something it isn't. Apparently you believe in some utopian idea where everything is pleasant, no one sweats for a living, and we're all paid really well. If someone voluntarily spends a couple of months a year hustling a bit for, to you, low wages, that's criminally insane and must be stopped. Meanwhile you got some people here agreeing with you while making decent money getting people to work hard all year at similar wages with no benefits, but they aren't the world's richest man, who must be stopped at all costs because he's, well let just say it, drum roll please, THE WORLD'S RICHEST MAN!!!!!
yes and some slaves thought they were free. doesnt mean they were.

no i am saying we can do ALOT better. first step is believing we can which alot of religious people ironically dont.

how old should people have to worry about having to "hustle" to get by?

my point is that with capitalism someone is very rich, because very many people are very poor (in more than 1 way).

in the interview the undercover amazon worker describes working there like being at war.


Well-Known Member
see with the greed and taking orders all day with capitalism in america you have a certain kind of freedom:

you have freedom for a small minority of the population. the rest of us have something less than it.