Thanks Low,
The problem here in this city and the province is this is boom time. Has been for a couple of years now and there is no end in sight. There are thousands of people moving here each month to get in on it. Even with all those people coming here there are still more jobs than there are employees. However the opposite is true for housing. House prices have gone up by more than 45% in the last year. And rent is following along.
The building I live in has 40 apartments and there are 6 other buildings in the complex all around the same size. The owner of this complex is a major corporation that own numerous other properties in this city and around the province.
Since the vacancy rate is so low the landlords hold all the cards. Just like the employees do over the employers. (You treat me like crap I will go somewhere else for more money and better conditions. To give you an example, during 2006, UPS in this city hired 200 employees. Only 10 are still in the employ of UPS. Of those 190, I only know of 1 that was fired.)
As far as my situation, I did do some research this morning. I will have to make a call Monday to confirm it before I approach my landlord, but, the way I read the landlord tenants act is says the landlord must provide me with 90 days written notice that must be delivered to me personally or by register mail. I might be splitting hairs on this but taping it to my front door is not delivering it to me personally and the first day of May is only 32 days from the date of the notice. Not 90 days. So that will give me two more months to get things sorted out.