I Knock Over Your Block Tower, a Metaphor For Socialism


Well-Known Member
Any day now? It’s interesting you consistently say capitalism leads to that and yet we’re moving towards socialism/ A government controlled corporatism, and it’s happening at the fastest pace I’ve ever seen.
im right the earth has warmed and things are getting worse


Well-Known Member
even if u put aside climate catastrophe, things are getting worse. american federal politics a prime example.
Well that I can agree with but that’s because a bunch of globalist left-leaning fools are running our government. And that’s both Democrat and Republican.


Well-Known Member
no democracy is participation in power and a threat to any power system
Wrong it’s mob rule what if the mob decide to outlaw paragliding and punk rock you can’t do anything about it because the mob decided for you there’s no liberty for you to chase happiness with. Don’t like it tough luck. That’s how appear democracy works the strong overtake the week


Well-Known Member
right now we have hte few controlling hte many how is that better lol
It’s not better but it’s what you’re advocating right now, our representative republic in United States is set up to limit the governments power and give it to the people, that is a threat to the powerful and they are trying to subverted it.


Well-Known Member
It’s not better but it’s what you’re advocating right now, our representative republic in United States is set up to limit the governments power and give it to the people, that is a threat to the powerful and they are trying to subverted it.
no the US govt was set up to only let propertied white men vote

it was anti democratic and set up to squash rebellions and wealth redistribution which democracies push for

as it stand you still have electoral college, voter suppression