IAM/ UPS NATIONAL AGREEMENT DUE by 7-31-2024. Strike authorized.


Part on order, ok to drive
It's pretty bad what they are trying to do to the district 9 guys. My local is in the main IAM pension so ours is not affected but I strongly encourage ALL IAM UPsers to vote No since unfortunately we are 1 vote for the national and local

And please support us in this.. us IAM guys were going to walk the line with you guys last year.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
No we're not okay like reaching inside somebody and pulling their guts out... guys that were looking to retire in the next 5 years are stuck here for another nine younger one's not vested into our pension just spent all that money on nothing just goes away disappears guys that have worked here with less than 10 years can't draw anything until they're 65 new contract reads were all required to work 30 years of service before we can even think about retiring
oh and get ready to start paying more for your health care
Teamsters struck a hell of a deal last contract and we're getting the shaft...
Hope you all have our backs Lord knows we had yours.

Are they eliminating any further vesting in your current pension plan and replacing them with a matched 401k similar to what they did with their own seven years ago ?

They are planning the same thing to the Teamsters when 2028 comes around. Just speculating 🤔


Are they eliminating any further vesting in your current pension plan and replacing them with a matched 401k similar to what they did with their own seven years ago ?

They are planning the same thing to the Teamsters when 2028 comes around. Just speculating 🤔
No take over plan under UPS even less than local drivers it burns everyone


It's pretty bad what they are trying to do to the district 9 guys. My local is in the main IAM pension so ours is not affected but I strongly encourage ALL IAM UPsers to vote No since unfortunately we are 1 vote for the national and local

And please support us in this.. us IAM guys were going to walk the line with you guys last year.
YES PLEASE nationally it's like our BA's don't even communicate.. UPS has been taking pensions out one by one. And Noone even knows tell everyone vote NO.. and yes to strike

Red Devil

The Power of Connected
Would be hilarious if after everything last year, we finally do end up on strike. I would certainly imagine the Teamsters would support the IAM given how the Teamsters and pilots had an agreement to honor each others’ picket line.


Well-Known Member
Would be hilarious if after everything last year, we finally do end up on strike. I would certainly imagine the Teamsters would support the IAM given how the Teamsters and pilots had an agreement to honor each others’ picket line.
How many do you think would cross? I'm only asking because there is still a lot of people unset they are laid off across the country and lots that were worried it might get to them.

Red Devil

The Power of Connected
How many do you think would cross? I'm only asking because there is still a lot of people unset they are laid off across the country and lots that were worried it might get to them.

Nationwide I have no idea probably quite a few in right to work states. I can really only speak to my own hub. Didn’t have one driver cross in 97 and I think last year would have been the same. Part timers I can’t really say. And also the feeling might not be as strong for a solidarity strike as it was for our own contract unfortunately. But we don’t need everybody to actually walk out. We just need a credible threat that we would be willing to cause some sort of mess if the mechanics don’t get a decent contract.
Nationwide I have no idea probably quite a few in right to work states. I can really only speak to my own hub. Didn’t have one driver cross in 97 and I think last year would have been the same. Part timers I can’t really say. And also the feeling might not be as strong for a solidarity strike as it was for our own contract unfortunately. But we don’t need everybody to actually walk out. We just need a credible threat that we would be willing to cause some sort of mess if the mechanics don’t get a decent contract.
The way people getting treated right now.
I really don't think they'd have a hard time walking out
Sorry better than what were looking at...
They're probably blowing smoke up your asses like they did to us when we had our negations. They'll drag it out till the last minute and see what the union does. If you guys hold strong and the teamsters back you I doubt UPS would take the chance of a strike. Stay strong 💪💪💪