I don't know if that happens at my center or not. I havn't heard anything from the drivers except the usual complaints of preloaders not being able to count. LOL. And as a part-timer here there is really nothing to complain about. When I worked in a hub though it was totally different. I worked in smalls which SHOULD HAVE been a gravy job but there were so much dead weight up there and most of it was the high seniority people that it ended being the most stressful job I've ever had. They miss an average of 2 or 3 days of work every other week and the days they did come they'd usually be late. Yeah some had day jobs but over the course of time the rest of us had figured out their schedules and what really was happening is they were just comming in when they felt like it. I'd come in every day to a mountain of unsorted packages and wasn't even qualified to sort yet but had to anyway. I'd have to sort and bag my whole station and sometimes help out on another station as well. Usually 45 minutes up to an hour would go by before the person that was supposed to be working there would actually show up. I know I was lucky to even be put up in smalls but some days, more than I'd like to remember, it was so frustrating because of the old-timers that I sometimes would have rather been hired as a loader. LOL. Over the span of almost 4 years I've done my share of loading, unloading, smalls, irregs, shifting, etc. Some of each or all at Fed Ex Ground. I'd still have to say that working in smalls was over all the hardest job I've had at Fed Ex or UPS. Just because of the old-timers. I can't say that all of them are like that everywhere but the ones I worked with weren't worth a damn except for maybe a few. I believe in respecting my eldors and superiors and all that but I also believe respect is something you earn but its also something you can lose. I've heard those people say things like "I've been here such and such amount of time and I did more work than you'll ever do." Well thats fine except for the fact that NOW is whats important...Not then. What if everyone at UPS thought they didn't need to work hard after they've worked there a certain amount of time? What a disaster that would be. LOL