I'm going to intentionally break by pinky toe this weekend.


Ponies and Planes


Gone Fish'n
F5 F5 F5. Last time I missed a pic it was of a "supposedly" hot preload chick. I will not be absent for a self mutilation photo post.


Well-Known Member
Didn't do it, was pretty hammered when I thought it was a good idea. Drank until I had alchohol poisioning and had to call in Tuesday, left early and worked today. The boys got 4th place.


Well-Known Member
Didn't do it, was pretty hammered when I thought it was a good idea. Drank until I had alchohol poisioning and had to call in Tuesday, left early and worked today. The boys got 4th place.

Your decisions in life appear to be self destructive at best. Not sure what is worse, breaking a toe for the day off, or drinking until you get alcohol poisoning. Might be time to re-evaluate your decision making. I would rather have a dad that just went to work to provide vs a dad that A) contemplates breaking a toe or B) Drinks to the excessive.

Just saying.